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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Lottry R & A Chicago 2014-12-09 - High 2017-09-11
Bendinlar Verdina & Benjamin Chicago 2014-09-07 - High got kicked to secondary for some reason, sat and waited, then they just gave us the papers and said have a nice day. im guessing we had to wait for the checks that are normally done before a plane lands. when i got the tickets, i put the wife's name in the wrong order, so im guessing they had to re-run the checks. 2023-02-01
Razvan & Emilia Chicago 2013-09-13 - High 2013-10-17
A & J Chicago 2014-05-08 - High 2022-08-22
MIMI & JAYZ Chicago 2012-05-13 - High Spent 30 minutes at POE for document checking and interview. Was so exhausted and nervous. Don't even know where to go after that, but wasn't afraid to asked. Glad I made it and saw my Hubby waiting in the airport. 2016-12-07
Marife & Tony Chicago 2013-12-18 - High 2018-09-12
Z & K Chicago 2014-07-14 - High 2017-05-28
Alla & Justin Chicago 2013-10-21 - High The POE was very easy to pass, nervous though as had to catch the connecting airplane in two hours. So asked politely for people in queue for permission to pass faster. They were nice and let me pass. No particular questions asked. 2017-10-03
Romonster Romain & Danielle Chicago 2012-12-30 - High 2013-09-27
blank avatar Nepali & Shiva Chicago 2013-07-14 - High 2013-07-13
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