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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Mlbxkllr amor & rhartz Chicago - High 2013-08-01
Chui84 Myself & Wifey Chicago - High 2022-10-01
Ceilla & Bill Chicago 2013-05-06 - High 2015-11-10
Owen & Kelsey Chicago - High 2018-10-03
S & T Chicago 2014-10-01 - High 2017-08-24
blank avatar Runyu & Wes Chicago 2013-11-12 - High Consulate in Guangzhou made a big deal about fiancee's opening of a medical folder that was separate from the main folder and didn't have any "DO NOT OPEN" stamp. We ignored the Consulate because it was shitty (in a moment that would have made Joseph Heller proud, the chief wrote in response to my congresswoman's inquiry, "There might not have been a 'Do Not Open' stamp on the envelope, but we didn't say that she could open it."). CBP could have cared less. Totally problem-free entry. Fuck the Consulate. 2013-12-19
Scoobz&shippy Shippy & Scoobzy Chicago 2013-12-23 - High 2018-05-04
Hasan & Mallory Chicago 2013-10-16 - High Hasan has entered the US twice in the last 9 months (once when he arrived on his K1 visa and again when he traveled to Turkey on Advance Parole). Both times he was pulled into a separate room for interrogation. Not really sure why, but he said they were mildly aggressive both times, making accusations and questioning the validity of our marriage. I did not travel to Turkey with him because it was for a family emergency (not to mention we don't have an extra $900 to spend on another plane ticket) and the officer thought that was reason for concern. He had all the proper documentation he needed and was clear in the system. UPDATE 6/21/16: He has traveled to Turkey twice since that time and both times he had no issues reentering; no separate interrogation required. Guess it gets better with time (and a green card). 2018-06-26
Sjcashore MCT & SJC Chicago 2014-03-08 - High 2014-04-14
Glen & Abby Chicago 2013-10-19 - High Took me off to the scary room for half an hour but then after no interaction, some guy came back with my passport and told me I was good to go. 2014-04-23
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