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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Jake & Emily Chicago 2013-11-03 - High 2016-10-03
Edna & Bob Chicago 2013-11-08 - High 2015-02-03
Mafia_girl Rushell & Daniel Chicago 2013-12-19 - High 2016-09-13
Nando & Celeste Chicago 2013-10-07 - High 2014-03-10
Learrocket John & Jennifer Chicago 2015-03-02 - High 2015-08-08
Joanne & Adam Chicago 2013-07-02 - High 2016-06-26
blank avatar BA & KC Chicago 2013-09-25 - High 2014-07-23
Sue & Scott Chicago 2000-03-14 - High 2013-09-15
Anya & John Chicago 2015-09-11 - High 2020-12-24
Vilma & Mike Chicago 2014-09-09 - High Pretty quick and uneventful. We stood in line longer than actually dealing/talking with the immigration officer. My Fiance walked up first and he asked her what she was here for, she said K1 visa. Then he asked where her Fiance is and she pointed to me waiting, so he motioned for me to come forward. We didn't go to any room, everything was done right at the booth. He just took our passports and verified everything. He asked me a couple questions about where I live, what my job is, and who I work for. He also took my Fiance's picture and fingerprints, asked if we understood everything or had any questions, then told us we have 90 days to get married. 2019-05-06
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