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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
A & J Philadelphia 2014-02-02 - High Everything went smoothly than I anticipated. We waited less than 10 minutes. We were ask if we have a set wedding date yet? And if we were aware that we should get marry within 90 days? 2020-09-13
Rui & Olguie Philadelphia 2011-08-16 - High The biometrics taken were the usual taken to any person or turist entering the US. I was greeted with the 'Welcome to the United States' and a 'Congratulations on your marriage' lol 2012-08-30
Judd & Corentine Philadelphia 2011-05-23 - High I had less than 3 hours for the transfer and my flight was 1 hour delay, plus I had to line everywhere so I was the last one to run into the plane it was really stressful. I'll advised anyone to take something like 5 hours between 2 flights because the policemen at the custom don t care about you missing your flight or anything.it took me around an 1 hour to get the stamp and there a bunch of really desperate people around me, not the best part of my trip! 2012-05-14
blank avatar Angela & Chris Philadelphia 2011-08-16 - High 2011-11-22
Celerina & Richard Philadelphia 2011-09-15 - High 2013-10-24
lukie & keyo Philadelphia - High 2013-08-29
Dave & Marlene Philadelphia 2011-04-20 - High I had to wait for about 10 minutes, asked 2 questions relating to my fiancee and then sent on my way, totally hassle free. 2017-04-05
Lve L & B Philadelphia 2011-08-21 - High 2014-03-26
kk & Quesi Philadelphia 2011-03-07 - High 2011-03-08
Arjan & Cinda Arjan & Cinda Philadelphia 2012-01-28 - High Friendly officers, making jokes. Took all of 45 minutes to get cleared. 2013-01-16
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