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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
lol2 & gbk Newark 2017-09-26 - High 2020-11-11
Ndunn8 Nicole & Alyssa Newark 2016-05-25 - High 2017-02-03
AThen Anayoslin & Omar Newark 2017-08-30 - High 2017-12-03
Shortcut10467 Rozalia & Peter Newark 2017-07-16 - High very quick and simple, we walked down the customs line together, but once up at the counter for checking in with the CBP Officer they took my fiancee into a separate room, asked her 2-3 questions, looked over her packet and congratulated her on the wedding then released her... Strange thing was they kept the packet, and she didn't get it back... I thought they were supposed to give it back to us... 2018-04-06
Camila & James Newark 2017-08-15 - High See my review of the Newark POE experience below. 2021-04-29
Jane & Ed Newark 2017-09-05 - High 2018-12-28
Agnieszka & Daniel Newark 2012-05-21 - High 2017-07-05
JustDante Dante & Katrina Newark 2015-10-20 - High 2018-12-05
CE and JR Rey & Eli Newark 2017-11-18 - High 2022-08-08
Emmsan E & J Newark 2017-10-10 - High 2021-06-16
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