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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews

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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
188 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #18509 on December 4, 2015:

van Gogh

Van Gogh


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello people

I have one simple question.

After your interview in Amsterdam and a YES they send you the visa by mail PostNL.
Do you get an e-mail notification that the envelop is on his way to your address?


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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #17887 on September 27, 2015:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I walked to the consulate and joined the line, some guard yelled that the people coming for the immigrant visas (vs the non-immigrant visas) had to go and stand in front of the line.
So I ended up standing in front of the line and I went into the building first.
I didn't bring anything but my files so I went through security went pretty fast. (no phones or other electronic devices!) The immigrant visa people had to go to a different room then the one I went to last time when I came for my B-2. (I got denied for a B-2 before)
But it was very similar, a small room with 5 counters with people behind windows. I was called to window number 5 and there was a very nice Dutch speaking man, asking me for my birth certificate, police records and proof of support. I was very organized and he was very impressed and happy about that.
I had to sit down again, talked to some other girls going for the K-1 visa that were sitting there. (they applied for the visa in May, t... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #17834 on September 22, 2015:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I just returned from the consulate.
Approved! Phew...

First of all, if the letter says 1:30, be there at 1:30. There is no point being there earlier and especially going up to ask for entry in the consulate before 1:30. Wait. Someone from the consulate will come and invite everyone in. Immigration visas first, non-immigrants after.

Second, please, for your own good, DO NOT BRING YOUR PHONE OR LAPTOP or any other electronic devices with you. YOU WILL BE DELAYED AND POSSIBLY DENIED ENTRY! Leave them at home, at the office, or with a friend outside.

After you get in through security you head to window 5 to get fingerprinted and hand over your documents (original and copies of birth certificate, police certificate from The Netherlands and any other country you have lived in before, and I134 and supporting documents - they prefer tax transcript or tax return copy).

After this you sit and wait. I was third in line, so not a ... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #17829 on September 21, 2015:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Review written by my fiancee (Wesley)

Last week, the 10th of September I had my medical appointment at 10.30. This all went very smooth. When I came in a very friendly woman sat down with me and went through the things I brought. I had to fill in some forms and gave her my vaccination report. She asked for 4 passport style photographs, but my invitation said I only needed 2 and that, that was all I had with me. She said they just changed that requirement. So from now on you will need 4 photos for your medical. This did not lead to any problems though.

Then I had to wait for the doctor. After a minute or 10 he got me and we went over the forms I filled in. After that he took blood, listened to my lungs, heart, checked my spleen and my liver. After that he measured my height, got an eye test and took my temperature. As last he gave me the vaccinations I needed and I went back to the lady at the front desk to pay for the medical in cash.
Then I needed ... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #17749 on September 10, 2015:



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Review Topic: Other Experience

Medical examination in Amsterdam, The Netherlands at Dr. Schulte/Van Goyen Clinic.

I would like to leave a review of my experience at the doctors' office because it is something I would have wanted to read more about before having to go.

Practical things. The docs office is right down town, and going by car and parking in front of the docs office is possible. There's also a parking garage called Museum Quarter in the same street as the docs office. Ofcourse this is all very expensive. An alternative would be to park your car at the P+R of the Olympic Stadium and take tram 16 or 24 down town. Don't throw away your tram ticket because when you scan it when you go get your car back, parking will be only 1 euro per 24 hours. A tram ticket costs 2,90 euro to get into town. The tram stops right in front of the stadium and takes you to the Museaumplein area in about 15 min. I like this option very much, its easy and cheap. Theres also a couple of hotels in the st... read complete review

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