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Barbados US Consulate Reviews

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Barbados US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
31 Review(s)
Review #28782 on November 16, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Staff was extremely friendly and the process went smooth and quickly. My daughter and I were the only ones in the immigrant visa section. Questions asked were
Who is the petitioner?
How did you meet your spouse?
How many people were at the wedding?
Where was the wedding?
What was date of your wedding?
How long was your spouse living in the states?

My daughter was asked
Is the petitioner your father or stepfather?
What did you wear to the wedding?

It was overall a good experience.

(updated on November 16, 2020)

(updated on November 16, 2020)

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Review #28664 on October 12, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We were asked about 5 questions. After answering truthfully the officer told us it was now up to the medical. After looking it over she smiled and said all is well we have no reason to deny you entrance back home, congratulations!

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Review #28645 on October 5, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

CR1 Approved!!!
Hubby got there at 6:50am for his 8:30 appointment (Yes he opened the embassy😅)
I didn't upload my divorce papers (they didn't ask for it on ceac)😒 but the officer uploaded it for him🙏🏾.
They took his birth, marriage, and police certificate, my (petioner) divorce docs and pictures of us. They returned the pics but said they will mail the originals back when they are done processing, should be back with the passport.

Questions asked:
1. How did you meet your wife?
2. How many children does she have?
3. Tell me a little about the kids?
4. How often do you speak to your wife?
5. Why did her previous marriages end?
6. Where does your wife work?
7. How long has she worked there?
8. Whats her job title?
9. When was the last time you saw your wife?
10. How often does she travel to see you?

My husband said it was just a casu... read complete review

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Review #27596 on November 30, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Medical Exam:
I arrived to my medical appointment about an hour early, which is good because they tend to you on a first come first serve basis. My appointment was at 8am and they let me in at 7:15am They asked for my proof of Visa interview and they gave me a piece of paper to fill out my demographic info. After waiting about 10 mins, I entered an administrative room where they confirmed personal info such as date of birth, place of birth, current address, etc. I was then called to enter another room where I left a urine sample, did a brief eye exam and they checked my height. I was sent out to the waiting area and the room was completely full by that time. I waited about another 25 mins, then i was called to give a blood sample which only took about 1 min. My next step was the physical exam where the doctor asked me to strip down to my underwear and asked me some psychiatric questions and substance history. Once they reviewed my medical history, they administered any vaccines... read complete review

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Review #26525 on June 25, 2019:

Mel T


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Once you get by the embassy you sit by the area with the benches (it has a roof over it now) where the taxis and other people are and wait till they start calling people based on their appointment times (eg. 7:30- 8:00).They then separate people into two lines (green card or immigrant and the non-immigrant visas) the K1 visa is classed as immigrant. It was a 5 hour long process (I had a 7:30 appointment as did everyone else) and there were like 10 people there.

First they called my name (I had to listen carefully because it sounded muffled) and I gave the person the appointment "letter". Then I sat down and waited till I was called again and this time they double checked info and took my documents (the ones on the list) and payment receipt. (She asked if my fiance was with me so I guess that's allowed and might help.) Then I sat down again. Then listened for my name again, this time it's the consular officer and I heard her more clearly. The downside is that those waiti... read complete review

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