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Australia US Consulate Reviews

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Australia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
256 Review(s)
Sydney, Australia
Review #27131 on September 24, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Excellent experience, exactly as everyone explained here, all the info I received was invaluable, thank you! Took my ticket at 0803 and was out by 0903. The officer asked a lot about my fiancé’s previous denial of entry to the US, but otherwise no issues. If you follow the instructions here you’ll be prepared. I cannot thank everyone enough for their guidance!

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Sydney, Australia
Review #27129 on September 24, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Just had my interview today (24/09/2019). Most of the reviews seem very accurate. Thought I'd pitch in my experience because everyone else's experience helped me out a lot!

My interview was scheduled for 8:00 am so i arrived approximately at 7:30 am. Getting around the consulate is fairly easy. There's a food court down below, and if you enter the consulate through the food court area, you'll make your way up two sets of escalators. Once you've gone up two sets of escalators, you'll find yourself in a foyer area, with a few tables / couches / seats and a small cafe. I waited here for about five minutes, until I realised that I could go up to level 10 without waiting. To get to level 10, you'll take the set of elevators on the right. Level 10 will appear on the touch pad. From here, you'll follow the signs towards the US Consulate Security checkpoint, where, you guessed it, you'll go through security.

Before you go through the security process, you'll enter... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #27079 on September 17, 2019:

Eugelien & Joey

Eugelien & Joey


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview at the Sydney Consulate was great. Security checks were very thorough and serious. Once through security, the waiting time to be seen by a Consulate employee was approximately 30 minutes. This is when they check to see if you have all your paperwork, i.e. originals and copies etc. You hand over the paperwork and they ask you to sit down and wait for your number to called. There's no privacy, you can actually hear everyone's story, interview questions and answers. The waiting time from handing over the paperwork to the "interview" was approximately 90 minutes. The interview for me was great for other people not so great. I heard quite a few people being asked to come back or even perhaps being rejected. Like I said, very serious and very thorough process. The waiting is quite nerve wrecking as you can hear everyone else's interview questions and answers. I liked it though, I liked it that it was so formal and thorough.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #26853 on August 13, 2019:




· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Approved! Had a great experience today with the absolutely amazing staff at the Consulate General in Sydney. I was the first in at 8am, and even despite some technical issues they were having with biometrics/finger scans causing a delay, I was done within an hour.

I was asked the following questions:

1. How did you meet your Fiancé?
2. How did your relationship progress after you met?
3. Everything happened quite quickly then? (I was expecting this question, as we became engaged only a month after we met each other by chance in a bar. CO seemed satisfied with my simple and genuine response and moved on quickly, which I think was also due to my answers to his other questions)
4. Have you/how many times have you seen each other since returning home to Sydney?
5. What does your Fiancé do for work?
6. How long did you live in the UK for? (In response to my provided UK Police Check)
7. Have you ever lived in any... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #26775 on July 30, 2019:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I was a bundle of nerves for weeks thinking about my interview, but I got out of it a couple hours ago and am very excited to say I was approved! I had a little trouble finding the correct elevator to take to get to the consulate (the MLC Centre is HUGE), but a really kind maintenance(?) man lead me in the right direction. I was expecting the interview to take place in some kind of room, but it literally occurs in the waiting room! You speak with a CO behind a panel of glass and everyone sitting and waiting can witness it all. That was extremely surprising to me! Everyone at the consulate was nice, including the CO who interviewed me. I don’t quite remember all the questions asked, but there weren’t many and I was done in the same five-minute timeframe many other people have mentioned. Thank you, everyone here at VJ who helped make this a possibility for us!

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