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Australia US Consulate Reviews

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Australia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
256 Review(s)
Sydney, Australia
Review #28167 on March 10, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé was there for just about an hours and the interview portion was less than 10 minutes. We didn't deviate from the K1 cover sheet provided in the P4 but he said that some of the people before him were asked for photos with their partner. They told him he was approved and that it would take up to 3 weeks for him to receive his passport and package in the mail but he had it in hand within 3 days. Overall, it was a pretty smooth experience.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #28158 on March 8, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The security guards were nice and helpful and directed you where to go each step of the way. My appointment was at 8am. I got to the 10th floor at 7:45 and was the first one to arrive. I was directed to a desk where someone went through my paperwork. She made sure I had all documents that were on the checklist. She put it all in a folder and instructed me to hand it to the person at the desk on floor 59. I then go through security and leave my belongings there in a cubby and head up the elevator to floor 59. You get an appointment ticket, sit down, and wait for your number to be called. You give your paperwork that's in the folder to them. She kept every document that was on the checklist, including i134's supporting documents-3 years tax return transcripts, letter of employment and bank letter. (our paperwork included 1 years worth of pay stubs and bank deposits as recommended by other VJ members-- no one even looked at these). She took my fingerprints and had me go sit down to wait f... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #28079 on February 21, 2020:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Sydney, Australia
Review #27555 on November 22, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Whole process went smoothly and the officers were friendly. I didn't end up needing to show any of the proof of relationship that we had put together so meticulously! But maybe that will come in handy later on.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #27278 on October 15, 2019:

Derek & Cece


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello everyone!

I just got approved for my K1 Fiance Visa on the 1st of October at Sydney US Consulate in the MLC Centre. Yayyyyy it finally happens 😍 after 7 months we have been waiting since my fiance submitted his petition 129-F application.

My fiance flew over to Sydney from Phoenix to support me with the final interview, his presence really helped and gave me more confidence.

The night before the interview. I barely slept 😂(may be an hour I think haha), in my mind I was just thinking about the interview, I was very excited, anxious and a bit nervous at the same time.

So my interview was at 8AM in the morning, my fiance and I tried to get to the US Consulate a bit earlier like around 7:20AM, though when we tried to go up with the elevator around 7:30 or so, it was locked and no one can use it except the people working there I guess. So my fiance and I just sat at the cafe on the ground floor and waiting fo... read complete review

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