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M.H's US Immigration Timeline

  Petitioner's Name: Mairelis
Beneficiary's Name: Rolando
VJ Member: M.H
Country: Spain

Last Updated: 2019-05-21
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Immigration Checklist for Mairelis & Rolando:

USCIS I-129F Petition:      
Dept of State K1 Visa:    
USCIS I-485 Petition:  
USCIS I-765 Petition:      
USCIS I-131 Petition:      
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

K1 Visa
Event Date
Service Center : California Service Center
Transferred? No
Consulate : Madrid, Spain
I-129F Sent : 2018-10-12
I-129F NOA1 : 2018-10-18
I-129F RFE(s) :
RFE Reply(s) :
I-129F NOA2 : 2019-02-13
NVC Received : 2019-03-14
Date Case #, IIN, and BIN assigned : 2019-03-28
NVC Left : 2019-04-02
Consulate Received :
Packet 3 Received :
Packet 3 Sent :
Packet 4 Received :
Interview Date : 2019-05-09
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received : 2019-05-14
US Entry : 2019-05-15
Marriage : 2019-05-16
Comments :
Estimates/Stats :
Your I-129f was approved in 118 days from your NOA1 date.

Your interview took 203 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.

Member Reviews:

Consulate Review: Madrid, Spain
Review Topic: K1 Visa
Event Description
Review Date : May 10, 2019
Embassy Review : My fiancé had a very nice experience at this embassy. Every one was happy and willing to help.
Rating : Very Good

Timeline Comments: 17

blank avatar Jlo102612 on 2019-02-20 said:
M.H on 2019-02-20 said:
I received a letter by mail yesterday. I checked online and is still not updated. Good luck 🙂
blank avatar Jlo102612 on 2019-02-20 said:
Thanks I filed mine of oct 11
M.H on 2019-02-20 said:
Wow, around the same date, I bet your letter in on the way!!!! Yayyy
blank avatar Jlo102612 on 2019-02-20 said:
Hope so!!!
blank avatar Jlo102612 on 2019-02-20 said:
I heard that the online is not working hope to get something in the mail soon. Thanks
blank avatar Mickester on 2019-05-08 said:
Hey! When did you send packet 3 and how many days after did you receive the authorization to book the interview? I'm just curious if you received the authorization through mail or email? Thnak you :)
M.H on 2019-05-10 said:
We received the authorization through email (sent to our lawyer) 😊. It was all too quick and lawyer was the one keeping track of the dates. Yesterday my fiancé had the interview in Madrid and was approved. Everyone at the embassy was very nice. They reviewed the original package sent at the beginning in front of him and did not even ask for all the proof he had with him. He was asked like 5 questions and receive the approval. He was told he will receive the passport with the visa in 4-6 days to the postal office we selected when we paid for the visa when selecting the day of the interview. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me any questions. English is my 2nd language I apologize if something is not very clear.
M.H on 2019-05-10 said:
We received the authorization through email (sent to our lawyer) 😊. It was all too quick and lawyer was the one keeping track of the dates. Yesterday my fiancé had the interview in Madrid and was approved. Everyone at the embassy was very nice. They reviewed the original package sent at the beginning in front of him and did not even ask for all the proof he had with him. He was asked like 5 questions and receive the approval. He was told he will receive the passport with the visa in 4-6 days to the postal office we selected when we paid for the visa when selecting the day of the interview. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask me any questions. English is my 2nd language I apologize if something is not very clear.
blank avatar Cirub on 2019-05-12 said:
My question is the same. I am the beneficiary. I am wondering how i will be notificied about everything. I am guessing my mail, because in the i-129f form didn't ask about beneficiary's email, if i remember good. I am glad the interview was well, what they asked?
M.H on 2019-05-12 said:
Hi, I am the petitioner. I received the approval by mail. Then a week later I started calling the National Visa Center and it took almost a most to receive our file. About two weeks later they provide me with a case number and 5 days after that our case was sent to the embassy. The embassy will communicate with the petitioner by email. In the interview the consul reviewed our file and ask how do we met, how many times I visited him, if we were free to marry, and what our wedding date. It was very quick and easy. He congratulated my fiancé and told him he was approve. I hope this info helps 🤗
M.H on 2019-05-12 said:
Hi, I am the petitioner. I received the approval by mail. Then a week later I started calling the National Visa Center and it took almost a most to receive our file. About two weeks later they provide me with a case number and 5 days after that our case was sent to the embassy. The embassy will communicate with the petitioner by email. In the interview the consul reviewed our file and ask how do we met, how many times I visited him, if we were free to marry, and what our wedding date. It was very quick and easy. He congratulated my fiancé and told him he was approve. I hope this info helps 🤗
blank avatar O & R on 2019-05-21 said:
Hey :) I had a question about the interview dates :) what are the openings in madrid? Do you know how many times a month they get interviews? I am thinking of transferring my file to Madrid to get the interview instead of Paris because Paris takes forever unfortunately...
blank avatar O & R on 2019-05-21 said:
Hey :) I had a question about the interview dates :) what are the openings in madrid? Do you know how many times a month they get interviews? I am thinking of transferring my file to Madrid to get the interview instead of Paris because Paris takes forever unfortunately...
blank avatar O & R on 2019-05-21 said:
Hey :) I had a question about the interview dates :) what are the openings in madrid? Do you know how many times a month they get interviews? I am thinking of transferring my file to Madrid to get the interview instead of Paris because Paris takes forever unfortunately...
M.H on 2019-05-21 said:
Hi, when we chose the interview date in Madrid was very easy and they were manu dates avalilabel, but today I got a private message from someone that says that they are experiencing an issue when trying to get the interview date and the message says to check later as they are not dates available.
blank avatar O & R on 2019-05-21 said:
Yes I heard about that story!! Also, did you wait to get the letter from the embassy to get your interview appointment? Or did you just wait that it turnt into ready?
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*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.

** Not all cases are transfered

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