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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews

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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
159 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #16521. Entry: 2017-11-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Pretty smooth, took all of 5mins

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Washington DC Review #16497. Entry: 2017-11-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Everything went very smooth and quick.

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Washington DC Review #16469. Entry: 2017/10/17




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived early morning and was directed to join the visitors line.
Gave my passport and visa package to the CBP officer and after a couple of questions and fingerprints I was told welcome to the USA.

The whole process took about 3 minutes.

I thank God for sufficient grace.

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Washington DC Review #16452. Entry: 2017-10-14



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Hubby landed at Dulles Airport at 8.40 am, was in line around 9.15 am and came out around 10.25 am! The customs line was long and it took him some time, but he was not pulled into a room etc. -- all was very straightforward and quick once he made it to the end of the line!

He told me that the officer was very friendly and started joking around with him as soon as my husband handed his sealed envelopes to him. They were thick ones and we did not know what they contained until the officer opened them up.

The officer said, "Come on man, you are killing me, you are suppose to make it easy on me, what is up with these thick envelopes?" and laughed.

Then he opened everything up and to my husband's surprise, the envelopes contained my front loading handiwork! Ha! Pages and pages of our chats, all the photos -- so the Officer looked at the pics and said:

"Oh wow, so tell me about this...how did this happen?"

My hubby answered and then they had what seemed like a causal convo.

"Oh, I see that your wife is not Indian, what does your family think of that?"

Hubby answered the same way he did when we were at his interview. He behaved like he always does with people he meets, respectful, chilled and smiles and laughs, talks, but does not joke around.

That is it!

The office then said, Welcome to the United States and when my hubby asked if he would get the papers back, the Officer said, "oh no you don't get them back."

He was treated with respect and the officer was friendly and relaxed. Love how he was welcomed HOME!

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Washington DC Review #16375. Entry: 2017-05-25




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I entered the country on a K1-visa. My flight arrived between 7 and 7.30pm from Iceland, and we were shuttled to the terminal in no time. What took the longest time from then on out was standing in the visitors' line (as an ESTA user traveling under the VWP before, I just wasn't used to that anymore...). There were only two counters open for us, so I thought I was in for a pretty long wait. Luckily though, they opened up two more after some time, which made the line move faster. When it was my turn, I showed the IO my passport opened at the visa page and handed him the orange envelope given to me by the embassy. He looked at the visa and asked when the wedding was. I mentioned the date, and he proceeded looking through the documents in the envelope. He nodded, scrabbled about our documents some more, and finally took my passport to stamp it. Before doing so, he scanned my fingerprints, and while I was getting the stamp, he said, "welcome to the United States. You understand though that if you don't get married by August 22, you'll be on a plane out." He wasn't joking or anything, and I was a bit taken aback. I said, "yes sir", and as soon as I had my passport back, I proceeded to baggage claim, where I got my bags back immediately. I thought that customs might be a problem because of the five bags I was carrying, but when I reached it, the officers were just standing there waiving me through. The whole deal took maybe 1 to 1.5 hours, which is not bad at all. I'm glad to be here now!

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