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Detroit US Port of Entry Reviews

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Detroit US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
171 Review(s)
Detroit Review #16168. Entry: 2016-06-30



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

POE was very smooth. I had to wait in "all passports" line for about 5 minutes because there was only 1 international flight arriving at 5 PM and I was pretty fast on my way to the US Customs and Border Protection. Once I was called and gave him the passport and the yellow envelope the officer asked:
"Why do you want to marry your fiancee?"
I replied: Because I love her very much
Officer: Wrong answer! (at that time I was pretty panicked) You should have said: Because she's the best in the whole world.
Me: Haha, obviously.
Officer: Let's take your fingerprints and then a picture.
I Did what he asked me and then he said: That's all, you will have to go into the back (secondary) where an officer will put your information in the system. Went into secondary and the officer that was there called my name after 5 minutes and he only asked me "when is the wedding going to be?" I replied and then he stamped my passport and said that's it.

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Detroit Review #16970. Entry: 2016-03-22



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Border Guard was a little rude. Other than that everyone at the Airport was very nice and welcoming.

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Detroit Review #16029. Entry: 2015-11-19

heo luoi


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Fiance said it only took like 3 minutes. Welcome! she got her bags and went on her way.
DTW also has an Airport Ambassador program where you can try to request them to assist people that need help navigating airport. Nice to know.

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Detroit Review #16034. Entry: 2015-10-30




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I had less than 2 hours between flights when flying into Denver (going to San Francisco) so I was a little worried that I might not make it.

However, the whole process was very smooth. They have a nice system at the airport, where they split people with ESTA's and people with visas into 2 separate groups. There was no line for people with ESTA, but the line for people with visas had about 8 people before me when I got there. Compared to the huge line for citizens and residents at the time, this was great.

Once it was my turn, I presented my passport and the two envelopes I got from the embassy, and he took one quick look at them, said "Oh, you're immigrating", called his buddy, and I got escorted into a separate office.

At the office, the officer told me to sit down and wait while he entered me into the system. It took about 10 minutes, and once that was done he gave me back my passport, informed me about applying for a permanent residency and I was off. Didn't even have to hurry to catch my flight.

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Detroit Review #15957. Entry: 2015-08-15



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

In general, it wasn't too bad.

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