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Nicaragua US Consulate Reviews

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Nicaragua US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
53 Review(s)
Review #10947 on November 24, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They wanted to know what attracted us to each other? they wanted to know if she spoke english and if spoke spanish ...They asked "what on my facebook profile sparked her interest?" (she friend-ed me first), why I picked a latina?, they asked why don't we get married in Managua? they asked her why she liked an older man :blush: he looked at all of the pictures, skype messages, facebook pages when we first met ... He wanted to know where this one picture was taken? (we were all dressed up), He wanted to know if I had children... he wanted to know
if we were going to have children... 1st interview was 15 mins, 2nd interview was like 20+ mins (seemed like forever)

There were 2 documents we did not have filled out correctly. One was the receipt confirmation number. there was a link to another page I had to have printed :bonk: Then the Immigration application form has to be filled out by a computer because a serial number is generated by the info in the application :bonk: ... there was a adhoc

computer/print shop setup across the street helped me out. It cost me 20 dollars but that was the best thing that could of happened :dance:

The interviewers were professional. overall we were treated fairly ... there is this one receptionist lady who is mean... but once we got past her ... things went fine.

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Review #10498 on September 26, 2012:

Mrs. Best


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I will do this in spanish.

Llegue a las 10 am entre y me dieron un número, el total de tiempo para la entrevista fueron 3 horas.

Al inicio solo lo llaman a uno para tomarle sus huellas dactilares y preguntarle por una foto, después le regresan la foto y le mandan a sentar.

Luego lo vuelven a llamar a una ventanilla en donde tienes que entregar los documentos y pruebas que soporten tu caso. Me atendió una chica muy amable, bromeamos acerca de como fue mi relación con mi esposo (tenemos 7 años de conocernos y 5 de relación), me preguntarón que como nos conocimos y que les contará la historia; además preguntaron que cuanto tiempo llevabamos de casados.

En esa ventanilla entregue el certificado de matrimonio del registro central, el certificado de nacimiento de acuerdo a mi cédula y el certificado de nacimiento especial en el que muestra que tengo 3 nombres. Además me pidieron mi record de policia (actualizado por supuesto), fotos (entregue como 100 de toda nuestra relación), comprobante de que me enviaba dinero (les aclaré que mi esposo normalmente no lo hacía a menos que se lo pidiera, porque yo trabajo y me puedo mantener sola), cartas de San Valentín, cartas de cumpleaños (entregue de mi esposo y de mis suegros que son un amor y siempre me felicitan).

Después de haberle entregado todo y contado la historia de amor entre mi esposo y yo, me mandaron a sentar.

Después pase con el consul, me pregunto que donde nacio Chris y ya le dije, y me hizo que le contará la historia de amor entre mi esposo y yo...y después me dijo que mi visa fue aprobada y que pasara el viernes a recogerla me dio un papelito con una cartulina chiquita verde (como ticket) y ya :D

Todos fueron muy amables y súper enfocados en lo que hacían, no fueron groceros ni descorteces, pero porfavor gente lleven los documentos necesarios. Les comento que en mi caso yo viví 9 meses en Barcelona y pensé que necesitaba un certificado de policia de Barcelona, pero eso solo aplica si uno vive 1 año fuera de su país, de lo contrario solo presenten su record de policia de los departamentos donde han vivido más de 6 meses.

Punto súper importante: FOTOS (una imagen vale más que mil palabras!)

Ahora a comprar boleto y a mudarme! :D

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Review #8943 on December 30, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The interview went really well. The questions were relevant and not intimidating for my husband. THey asked about our wedding, where it was held, when our baby is due, how we met and how long we\\\'d dated. My husband seemed to think that they liked the photos of the wedding and some others when we had toured around Nicaragua with my father and son. He had to swear it was all true and sign a form.

At the end he was told he was basically approved, but needed to get a \\\"unique\\\" birth certificate, because his birth certificate was not issued within one year of his birth, due to political unrest. (civil war) He was given information on where to get this. They also told him that our $404 DS-230 payment was not in their system (I had paid this and it had cleared over one month ago). He left the embassy and went to get the \\\"unique\\\" birth certificate. I emailed the embassy with the tracking information from my checking account and another copy of the receipt. I also asked that he be allowed to submit the birth certificate the same day, as I know the consulate has office hours in the afternoon. (He had received a piece of paper saying that he could hand in the additional evidence on Mon, Tues, Weds, and Friday between 7am and 9am.) I didn\\\'t hear back, but the embassy called my husband to let him know that the fee was all set. He asked if he could bring the additional birth certificate by. They said they would check and called him back to tell him yes! Hallelujah! They received his additional information and his passport and told him his visa should be ready within a week.

(updated on December 29, 2011)

(updated on December 29, 2011)

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Review #8222 on August 31, 2011:




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Review Topic: General Review

He got there at 7:30 at about 7:45 he was let in. Once in he waited for his number to be called to some glass windows where the interviews takes place in front in the rest of the crowed. Which he say a lady cried because of the question they were asking and appearrantly the po was very intimidating. Well each PO ask him about 5 questions each after that he gave then the paper works which included his divorce paper our birth certificate and so on. So far everything is fine. At the end of this they tell him the birth certificate and divorce papers needs to be authenticate which he does not understand because they are original documents with state seal and stamp.They gave him a green paper with instruction to where to go get it done. Total of 6 documents each costing $25.00 because now they want the SOLTERIA (SINGLENESS DOCS) notaries. By this time is close to 1pm no water or lunch. He immediately goes to get everything done cause they tell him as soon as he gets this back they will give him a respond. Not sure if approved or what. Everything was done right there except for the divorce paper he has to come back Friday to pick it up. So now we have to wait till Tuesday cause Monday is a holiday. Is upsetting because he feels is all about making money for the lawyer in that area. Appearently Nicaragua has a new type of birth certificate we were not aware off.

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Review #7927 on July 14, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Arrived at 7:15. Actual interview took about 10-15 minutes between two people. Had to wait soooooo long for first part of interview. The interviewers were okay. Both asked their questions and reviewed the evidence formally. When getting instructions for picking up visa and passport, we were given the option of picking it up at a different bank location closer to our residence. Nice surprise! Finally left at 11:00.
Embassy said that the packet that we would pick up and take to immigration at POE would contain our original marriage document and husband's birth certificate. Never got anything back. :P

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