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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #3807 on January 14, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I flew to mbj on Saturday, visited with his parents and my grandmother and my uncles in St. Elizabeth and then we drove up to Kingston on Sunday afternoon. We stayed at Christar Villas and planned to walk to the embassy, but it looked like a hike, so G drove up and parked at a makeshift lot right across the street. You pay $300 Jamaican and your car is pretty much safe. We got there at 7 a.m. There were two lines in opposite directions, both lines fed into the embassy entrance. After standing in the longer line for a few minutes, we realized this was the line for visitor visas and that the the opposite line was for family-based visa appointments. Don't listen to the chicks in the yellow shirts. The guys in the black shirts know more of what's going on. The women were telling us it was based only on appointment time.

We went through security and went on another line and handed one of the officers our appointment letter and went into the waiting area. We got into the waiting area at about 8 am for our 9 am appointment time. (G strongly believed that it was first-come first-served.) We ended up waiting until around 10:30 a.m. to get called to the first window. The lady verified the info and told us we'd be called back up again.

This long wait allowed us to hear some of the questions other couples and family visa applicants were being asked. The young blond woman with the attitude was there living up to her reputation. She asked people some pretty rude and intrusive questions. "Have you ever been arrested?" "Are you sure about that," "Do you plan on being in trouble with the law?" She turned down one man who couldn't remember the names of his step kids and told him to bring his wife back.
I prayed she wouldn't be our interviewer.
She also turned down a lot of people applying for fiance visas. She requested that the fiance come back with them. She also told many children to come back when DNA had been confirmed.

Many couples were asked to speak into a phone separately. One interracial couple brought their gorgeous baby with them. This still didn't seem to be enough proof of their commitment to each other for the blond B. She asked them many questions separately for at least 20 minutes. They had a huge wedding album and a screaming baby. They finally got approved.

**Please know that they are watching you before you even go up for the interview. The waiting area has a camera. They've probably already made up their minds before you get up to the window. So if you go in there and don't interact with each other (even if its out of nervousness) they will notice.

Our second call up to the window was by another agent. My prayers had been answered. The blond woman didn't have our fate in her hands.
Our agent asked very few questions, mostly of me. "When did you get divorced?" I told her five years ago and she also asked whether I was born in Jamaica. I told her I had been. She barely asked G any questions. When did you meet? How long have you known each other? She also asked for proof of our relationship. She barely looked at the album we slipped under the window.
She had a smile on her face the whole time. We didn't get asked any questions separately. We didn't even have to lift up the phone.
She congratulated him and sent him to the DHL desk.
He'll pick it up in Mobay in two weeks.
I was expecting them to ask for the second copy of the Police certificate but they didn't.
When do we get our originals back???
I think the experience varies based on which agent gets your case. It might not have been so easy if the blond woman had been our agent.
Good luck to everyone waiting for the interview.
Advice: Have a positive attitude and try not to show nervousness.

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Review #3719 on December 16, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

This was a follow-up to our Oct. 14th Blue-Slip interview......

Arrived at embassy @ 6:55 a.m. for our 7 a.m. It was packed, about 200 people were standing outside. This nice young girl asked us what time was our interview and we said "7", she proceeds to move us to the front of the line and an employee in a yellow shirt asks our name and begins to search for us on the checklist. It had to be about 5 seconds but it felt about 5 hours and we are still not seeing our name! So he asks to see our confirmation letter and I was like its an email that was sent and its a blue-slip interview. So he's like "Oh your in the wrong line, go over to that lady." So we go to someone else and we are like hovering over her shoulder looking at her list and Thank the Lord we were #3 on her schedule of appointments!!!! So we go through security and walk down to the courtyard. We approach another girl and she checks off our name and go to the actual embassy building. These two young guys were gathering everyone's documents. They were realling nice. You could tell they love their job; they were making jokes with people and playing with the babies in the line. I guess I would be too if I was making dough for not really doing anything. Anyway, we go to Section A and wait for them to call our number. There was this one particular young, white American lady who was interviewing the blue-slip people. She was denying people left and right. I was like "Oh Lord please don't let us get her". However when I was listening to the reasons for the denial, it was commonsense these people weren't bringing what she asked for they were just showing up without the docs requested. After about a 30 min wait, they finally call us to window #8 ( the American lady)so we go to her. She was serious yet polite, she just got straight to the point. She asked us to give her pics of us together, our outings, family etc. She went through every picture asking who people were, location and date. Then she wanted to talk to me by myself. She asked the following: When did I arrive? How manys I visit? How we met? Baby? Then she asked me to give her a very descriptive clear picture of our relationship, so I did. Then she asked me to get him to come back over so she could talk to him. She asked him the following: How did we meet? Why does he love me? Then he waves me over and she says in a very stone-cold face (In mind I'm like okay spit it out) she says "I wish you the best of luck. Go to DHL @ Window #26, gives us some sort of white tix and says "Yall know about the 90-day rule?" I was like Yes!! and excitedly say "Heyyy" Thank you so much!! The people waiting behind us laugh and say "Aww". We hurriedly go to DHL and outside he hugs and kisses me and says "Honey, I'm so happy". I'm like "Me Too". Then we leave.

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Review #3684 on December 7, 2008:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Well guys my husband got his visa!!!!!...sooo excited and ecstatic all at once...well here is the run down of the event...

He was scheduled for 7:30am...he went through the metal detectors and a CO checked his name and took his interview letter...he was given a number and was told to sit down...he waited about 2 to 3 hours before his name was called...when he went to the first window a lady asked him for his medical records and his passport pictures....she also asked him for his visa but then gave it back to him...he was then told to sit back down and someone else will call him in about 5-10 mins....he was called within 10mins by another lady....she did his fingerprints and she asked him the following questions..

When we met
When did we get engaged (he told her we never did the engagement thing just started planning on getting married...I'm not sure if that was a wise thing to say in my opinion)
When did you get married
Do we have any kids together
Were either one of us ever married before

And then she asked him if he had any pictures and he showed them our pictures...he said she did not say anything while looking at the pictures and he said she looked at all of them...

She then said ok and gave him a white slip which she stamped the date on it (thought it was suppose to be pink) and told him were to go to pay for the delivery of his visa....she also kept his passport....she also made him sign on some form...he said it was like a stack of forms but he only had to sign one part...he also had to write his passport number and address on a yellow piece of paper....

He had to pay $750JA for his visa and they took the white paper the lady at the embassy gave him and then gave him a receipt and told him that he can pick up his visa next week Wednesday in New Kingston...

Overall he said it was ok...the lady wasn't rude but she wasn't smiling either...he also said it was jammed pack in there...He said most visitor visa people didn't get through but majority of family visas got through except for those who were missing something....

Thank you Jesus that this is finally over!!!!!!!

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Review #3541 on November 3, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

well my fiance had went once by himself. Oct 6, 2008, the women blue slipped him because i was not there.. word of advise!! both go to interview!!!!
October 29, 2008 was our date. 7:00am

we got there about 6:30 and waited in line about a hour in the rain... however when we got in the wait wasnt that long at all. When we got called the same lady that interviewed steve the first time was at the window... a very pleasant white women!
she told steve that he needed to get figer printed again and while doing that she was ganna ask me some questions..

she asked me a total of six questions...
1. how long were we together
2. how did we meet.
3. how many children does he have and names.
4. how many children i have and names.
5. who they live with
6. whats our plans for marriage

then she campared our answers and said to me ... tell him welcome to the u.s!!!!
yessss its done!!

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Review #3520 on October 29, 2008:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

oct 28 2008

my wife and stepson interview was at 730 got through security ok and waited 1 hour for name to be called and then give them the folder of document that we had assemble so that was easy the wait for 1 more hour for her name to be called the the person just asked her 3 questions and that was it.my DOB my job and were i am now which i am currently in iraq but she fly throught it so we r just waiting for the visas to be delivered

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