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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Tampa FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
53 Review(s)
Tampa FL Review #31396 on September 3, 2022:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Tampa FL Review #31098 on June 2, 2022:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had to wait outside the premises for about 40 minutes because the waiting room was packed. We were let in and sat down for approx. 2 hours. Many people were sitting there for over 3-4 hours. Out of nowhere, our names got called, and we were led into the officer's personal office. There were people in the waiting room who entered before us, still waiting. The officer introduced herself and confirmed our names. The officer was very kind but seemed a bit rushed and apologized several times for the long wait. She took my fingerprints and took a picture of me. She then swore me in and asked whether our address was still the same. I said no, we recently moved, so she updated our case for us, and I had to sign that. We had taken our ten-month-old baby with us. I brought way less evidence than most people, some people came with whole suitcases full of evidence, and I brought our joint tax returns, lease, and joint car insurance together with our birth certificates. She asked for our passports and asked me whether I was working. I told her yes and my job title. She then proceeded to do the same for my wife. She asked to see our little one's birth certificate and asked if she could keep the copy. And that was it. She said I already read your file, and you're approved for your 2-year green card and again my apologies for the wait. There were no questions about our relationship, how we met, what my wife's uncle's favorite IPA was, or anything. 10 out of 10 experience, except for the wait, but hey, it was extremely busy. All in all, we were in and out of the officer's office within 5 minutes. She told us that the green card would be with us within two weeks.

Fun fact, I stressed a lot about my certified birth certificate, which I had to expedite-order from the Netherlands and express mail with UPS, but it wasn't even looked at or necessary.

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Tampa FL Review #30717 on February 6, 2022:



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Review Topic: General Review

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Tampa FL Review #30569 on January 6, 2022:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Waited for almost an hour after our appointment time. We arrived 30 minutes before, so it was about 1.5 hours of waiting. By the time it was our turn, there were quite a few people waiting in the large waiting area. The officer was really nice and the interview was very straight forward and only took about 20 or so minutes. She started off asking if we had food yet, and she stated that she's looking forward to lunch soon. Most of the time was spent double checking the details on our forms and answering the inadmissibility questions. Besides that, we were only asked asked how and when we met and the basic timeline of our relationship. The officer asked for our joint lease, joint bank statements, joint checks written out, and flipped through the photo album we brought. The only photo she took out of the album to keep was a photo of me eating at home, a candid shot by my wife (we found that kinda amusing and surprising, was expecting she would take the latest thanksgiving photos where we were seeing friends and family). She did not want anything else we brought (joint phone bill, joint plane tickets, gift receipts for each other), nor did she ask to see any of our birth certificates, tax forms, pay stubs, or drivers licenses. At the end, she said she should get everything done by the end of the day, and that I will get my green card in the mail. I was also handed a piece of paper stating that the case is being held for review and that they do not need anything from me in the meantime.

There was another couple that looked visibly distraught in the waiting room; they were being interviewed separately for over an hour. Everyone else that went before us seemed to be interviewed together.

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Tampa FL Review #28861 on December 4, 2020:

He and I

He and I

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Today was our interview. As requested we're arrived 15' before our appointment and waited for 15' after we were in.
The officer was very professional, asking for some questions to my US husband about our relationship, my family and my previous job.
After 30' we're told that we're approved.

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