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San Bernadino CA USCIS Office Reviews

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San Bernadino CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
48 Review(s)
San Bernadino CA Review #13246 on November 15, 2013:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Waited inside for about 1hr and 30min until our name was called.
The officer carefully asked our ID information such as each other's birth date, address, parents names, etc.
The interview lasted about 20min and at the end, the officer gave us the approved letter saying that the GC will be sent to our address within 90 days.

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San Bernadino CA Review #12934 on October 4, 2013:

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Review Topic: Naturalization

N400 scheduled for interview on may 17th 2013 but two days later on may 19th it has been descheduled so every since it is pending. I received a letter from USCIS last month stated that my application is pending review now. I dont know what does it really mean Pending review. does IO review A-file then hand it to his/her supervisor to review it too and then schedule an appointment? second part of my question is do security checkup and background check arrive at the time when they place the case for review?...

Thank you so much.

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San Bernadino CA Review #12082 on June 7, 2013:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We were scheduled for our AOS interview at 10:05 today. We arrived there like half hour before our time, got into the security procedure by the main door, were asked to proceed to the 2nd floor and gave our appointment letter at the middle window. We were then asked to take seats and wait to be called.

We kinda lost track of time coz husband and I were talking about something funny but I believe we were called just on time by a non-white woman with curly hair with brown coloring/highlights. Same thing with others upon entering the room, we were asked to sworn in before taking our seats, asked me (I am the spouse of the US citizen) some of the questions from the form (e.g. name, date of birth, place of birth, parents' names, address, date of arrival in the US, how many times have I travelled outside the country,what visa do I have when I entered the US, etc.). Then she asked how we met, it was an interesting start of the conversation since I came here in the US via tourist visa (B1/B2) and that I was just merely spending my vacation time when I unexpectedly met my husband. The she asked us about our first meeting, where did we go on our first two dates, when we got engaged and when did we start talking about getting married. In between, he also asked about my husband's work, if he asked blessing from my parents before marrying me and asked info about wedding, reception, honeymoon and trips we did together.

I was kind of worried (while my husband was not) since we only had 3 joint accounts to present - checking account, credit card and Verizon phone statement. Our joint filing for the 2012 tax return has not been done yet (coz my SSN has not arrived yet and I did not bother getting iTIN before, thinking that I could process my SSN for tax purposes just in time before the interview happens). But we told the interviewer that we will file it soon.

We were asked for original copies of our passports, birth certificates and marriage contracts. She asked for my EAD and his driver's license. My husband volunteered the 30 photos that we brought (dating period, during wedding and after wedding events - 10 copies each). At first, she said the 3 colored print outs of our wedding photos which we included in our initial package were fine. Then, when she asked if there were any documents that we would like to submit to support our case application, I brought out few letters from relatives and friends containing wedding greeting cards, a copy of our wedding invitation, receipts of my engagement ring and our wedding rings and order slip of our wedding cake with the design's sketch on it. She took everything (including all 30 photos), turned in to her computer and told us that we may begin gathering our papers from the table, excluding some that she needed to photocopy.

After that, we were told that our case is up for "FURTHER REVIEW", gave us a letter stating the same and that within 30 days, we will hear from them thru mail if they need more evidence. Otherwise, the card will just arrive in the mail. She then asked us to go back to the waiting area as she photocopied some documents. After that, we stepped out.

I felt so upset and down as we walked outside the building towards the car at the parking lot. I was not talking because it was really hard to talk when I am feeling that way. We told my mom in law about it and she said she is willing to go back to the USCIS office and talk to our interviewer to convince her that I should be approved. We were all upset and I spent the afternoon reading reviews from all USCIS local offices' filers in California who had experienced the same. And since I saw some who were approved before the day ends, I held my hopes high. And true enough, at past 4pm today, I received an email about my case saying "CARD IN PRODUCTION"!. I checked USCIS case status online and it stated the same.

Now I can smile again and we will definitely celebrate tonight with some friends. What a total relief!!!

Oh, by the way, the lady interviewer was nice to us. She seems to be friendly and even laughed with us while we share how our relationship started. It was like just talking to a stranger who is interested to know our love story. She was taking down notes the whole time we were sharing our story. She did not even make negative comments upon knowing that our joint 2012 income tax has not been filed yet and that we have limited joint accounts presented during the interview. Overall, it was a smooth and good interview experience.

To all people who shared their experiences here in VJ, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Great help, guys! And to those who are still in the waiting line, just be yourself at the interview. As long as your marriage is genuine and really out of love, you should not be worried. Best of luck to your journey!

No more USCIS case until we start working on ROC. Yey!!! =)

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San Bernadino CA Review #11991 on May 20, 2013:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at the smaller USCIS office in San Bernadino on D St. There is a free parking multi-storey right next to the building. We waited about 90 minutes to be called. Our lawyer had requested we be seen earlier (he had a court case later in the day) so we were called well before our appointment time.
The officer asked for our IDs, my EAD, our birth certificates, our marriage license and then asked me all the YES/NO questions. I am not a spy javascript:emoticon('')
She left the room and my husband asked the lawyer "Is this going well?" and my lawyer replied that I had been approved. I didn't want to believe it until she said it herself.
She kept my EAD and I-94 and said I would receive my green card in the mail javascript:emoticon('')

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San Bernadino CA Review #11543 on February 28, 2013:

momo and inoo


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interviewer was a mexican lady, a rude one but still our interview went well..most of the questions were from me..

Interview questions...

1.Last name?
2.Father's name?
3.Mother's name?
5.When and where did u get married?
6.Who attended ur wedding?
7.Arrange or love marriage?
8.How did u guys meet?
9.When did u first date each other?
11.When did u enter U.S?
12.Port of entry?
13.Where do u live? address
14.Do u both live alone or with inlaws?15.Tell the relations whom u r living with?
16.Did u have a reception?
17.Did u go to honey moon?
18.Ur cell number?
19.Ur hubby cell number?
20.Ur SSN number?
21.Where does ur hubby work?
22.Have u ever been arrested? (No type questions 10 to 15 of them)
23.Do u both belong to the same country?
24.City where u were born?
25.Some qustions from the pics i had?

1.When did u go to Pakistan?
3.For how many months?
4.After engagement did u go to Pakistan again?
5.For how many days?
7.How did u became a citizen? (via mother in law)
8.How did ur mom came to U.S.A
9.Do u both live together?
10.When and where did u first meet her?

Documents that she asked for were both our passports, I-94, Social Security, Joint bank account statement, ID's, Joint tax returns, Birth certificate, EAD card, Any utility bills, pics, Certificate of citizenship of my hubby, Marriage certificate.

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