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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #11543

San Bernadino CA Review on February 28, 2013:

momo and inoo

Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interviewer was a mexican lady, a rude one but still our interview went well..most of the questions were from me..

Interview questions...

1.Last name?
2.Father's name?
3.Mother's name?
5.When and where did u get married?
6.Who attended ur wedding?
7.Arrange or love marriage?
8.How did u guys meet?
9.When did u first date each other?
11.When did u enter U.S?
12.Port of entry?
13.Where do u live? address
14.Do u both live alone or with inlaws?15.Tell the relations whom u r living with?
16.Did u have a reception?
17.Did u go to honey moon?
18.Ur cell number?
19.Ur hubby cell number?
20.Ur SSN number?
21.Where does ur hubby work?
22.Have u ever been arrested? (No type questions 10 to 15 of them)
23.Do u both belong to the same country?
24.City where u were born?
25.Some qustions from the pics i had?

1.When did u go to Pakistan?
3.For how many months?
4.After engagement did u go to Pakistan again?
5.For how many days?
7.How did u became a citizen? (via mother in law)
8.How did ur mom came to U.S.A
9.Do u both live together?
10.When and where did u first meet her?

Documents that she asked for were both our passports, I-94, Social Security, Joint bank account statement, ID's, Joint tax returns, Birth certificate, EAD card, Any utility bills, pics, Certificate of citizenship of my hubby, Marriage certificate.

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