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Pittsburgh PA USCIS Office Reviews

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Pittsburgh PA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
27 Review(s)
Pittsburgh PA Review #19383 on April 27, 2016:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Got in 30 minutes early. Remember this is an airport level security so don't bring anything you wouldn't bring to an airport, plus food.
Sat down for 5 minutes, got called in, I think even before our time. We were asked about our dating story. We told the story, then showed pictures, answered questions about pictures. All in all no "crazy questions", as one of the previous reviewers mentioned, it was a formal conversation. Answered questions about our paperwork, submitted our joint tax return as additional evidence. I think the tax return was enough. I was freaking out (for no reason, just my anxious mind) and kept trying to give the interviewer more things, until they finally said: I believe you so I would stop.
Got an e-mail that night that the card was being produced.

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Pittsburgh PA Review #18968 on February 20, 2016:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Overall a nice office, walked in 30 mins early and by the time we cleared security we barely had time to sit down before we were called with our lawyer. The officer was a new officer that my lawyer did not know and she fluctuated between friendly and a little confrontational often, likely to keep us off balance I guess. Overall we were not sure how it went, and the officer would not tell us if she was going to recommend an approval at the time which I have heard is usual, but my lawyer assured us we were approved. Sure enough, an hour later my card was being produced. It was a weird experience, not as informal as some people have had but not hard either.

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Pittsburgh PA Review #18540 on December 11, 2015:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The process was fairly easy. My husband and I had an appointment at 10:30. We arrived at 10:10, and we were greeted by very friendly security guards. You cannot bring any food or drink (even water) into the center. We were interviewed by a woman who was feeling ill that day, so I am sure that explained why she didn't seem to be very familiar with my case (she asked if I was still a student; I am a professor). She asked for some documentation that she said was not included in our file, including my husband's divorce decree, my birth certificate, my husband's passport, and our marriage license. All of them were actually included in the packet she had, but we had the originals with us anyway, so we were able to show them to her.

Because my husband and I live in different states for work, we had supplied a lot of documentation to substantiate our marriage. This was based in part on research I did and in part on advice from an immigration attorney. The immigration official told me that next time I should provide less documentation because it is difficult to find documents when you provide so much. But she also said I should provide more documentation for travel between our two homes (there were receipts from all our flights in the file). I was a bit confused and upset about this. When I submitted the packet, it was fully organized with a table of contents and tabs, but they remove all of the tabs to put it in their files, so I suppose that is why it was difficult for her to find documents.

Because her computer wasn't working, she wasn't able to double-check that the doctor who did my medical was authorized to do it or not (I got his name from the government website, so I knew this wouldn't be an issue). She did helpfully tell us, though, that she thought everything looked good. The only questions she asked us were about how we met, how we decided to get married (who proposed), whether my family came to the wedding, and how long we planned to live in different states.

All in all it was a fairly easy process, and apart from my slight frustration about the paperwork, things went well. I received electronic confirmation the day after the interview that my case was approved. javascript:emoticon('') javascript:emoticon('')

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Pittsburgh PA Review #17220 on July 1, 2015:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview itself was wonderful. No issues whatsoever, and the officer (name withheld for privacy) was easy to work with. We had previous contact with this officer in field office appointments, so he/she remembered our case. We also had a ton of help from another officer who took a close interest in our case and how the main USCIS processing facilities had been screwing up our petitions. This office really takes a deep concern for those who need its' services and we deeply appreciate it.

Unfortunately, the office messed up the name on the Green Card, using my husband's old name rather than his current legal name, even though we had provided all necessary documentation to show the change. We had to get our Congressman's office involved in order for them to recognize their mistake (as well as for other previous process). We are currently in process of having his card corrected. Please know it will take at least two months for corrections to happen - so please learn from our oversight and confirm all names are correct when at your interview!

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Pittsburgh PA Review #16659 on April 22, 2015:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

My spouse (same sex) and I ended up having our adjustment of status interview scheduled at this office after having moved from St. Louis to Pittsburgh. We were both quite anxious for the preceding days, and we had difficulty sleeping.

Allow me to assure you that none of that anxiety was necessary. Everyone we encountered at this facility, without exception, was friendly and helpful. The security officer commented it seemed like we hadn't been there before and he was kind enough to walk us to where we needed to be. Our interviewing officer came to get us from the waiting room right on time and was very kind, holding doors for us and even offering to help us carry our items into his office.

He swore us in and asked us how we met and how the relationship progressed. We had all of our evidence and photos in sheet protectors and organized in a binder, something which he said he was impressed by. We provided him with both our St. Louis and Pittsburgh leases, a cell phone bill, a joint bank account, about four pages of photos, a reference letter from a close friend, our joint tax returns, and some pay stubs for each of us. We offered him more material, but he joked that he would need to get some more file folders if he took any more!

He approved us on the spot after about ten minutes, saying there was no doubt in his mind that we were a couple. A few of his comments made it seem as though we had been observed in the waiting room. He took some time to explain what the next steps in the process are (when we can file for my removal of conditions, citizenship, etc.) and when to do them, as well as when to expect the green card in the mail. He kept checking with us to make sure we didn't have any other questions. Afterwords, he showed us out and wished us a good day. All in all, we were in and out of the office in about 45 minutes, including the time we spent waiting because we arrived early.

Apparently this office just moved to this location. It's in a very nice office building that's easy to find, not far off of I-376. Everything there is very new and nice, there's plenty of parking, and the waiting room is comfortable. All in all, this was a great experience. After the interview, you'll wish you hadn't spent so much time worrying and feeling anxious!

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