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Fresno CA USCIS Office Reviews

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Fresno CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
25 Review(s)
Fresno CA Review #2244 on December 8, 2007:



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Review Topic: General Review

I met over missing 130 & 129 petitions that were approved & not recognised by NVC.
The officer was very helpful. Sent Email to L A office to help solve the problem. He followed it up with a phone call to me about 1 week later. He told me to come back any time I had a problem or question.
This meeting did not in it self solve the problem but it was helpful to know they tried.
I found out a few days later that NVC had finished the 129 & forwarded it to embassy.
The 130 is still missing but USCIS says not to worry for now.

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Fresno CA Review #2089 on October 7, 2007:


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Review Topic: Employment Authorization

Refused a temporary EAD twice at infopass appointments long past the 90 day filing mark. The officers were RUDE RUDE RUDE and made sure to point out to us that working in the US is a PRIVELEGE not a right. I know other people have had no problems at Fresno but ours was horrible, at least for the temp EAD, bad enough for me to contact a state senator and report the incidents including the officers names.

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Fresno CA Review #2038 on September 19, 2007:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status


Our interview was at 9:30 AM and we arrived exactly at 9:30. After going through security someone took us up to the 7th floor, it was 9:40 when we arrived at the waiting room. Only one other couple was there. After about 5 minutes we were called in by a tired-looking gentleman, I think Chinese decent. He looked bored and distracted. First thing he asked if I was the lawyer! Haha! He said usually the lawyers bring the big file folders (we had three of them!). I introduced the translator and he said, “Oh, we don’t need him, you can translate for your husband.” But he let our translator come in anyway (he had no work to do, poor fellow).

In the room, he asked all three of us to swear to tell the truth. Then we sat and he asked for my hubby’s ID (passport) and my ID (driver’s license).

Then he made notes on paper and TORE THE I-94 OUT OF MY HUBBY’S PASSPORT! OMG I was trying to keep a straight face as I’ve heard that it is a sign that the case was approved! Then he returned our IDs.

He asked hubby our address. He asked him, “Do you have any children?” (No) and that was the ONLY personal question or comment during the interview!

Then he asked whether he joined any group or org, whether he was arrested either here or in India, whether he joined any communist org, and whether he was ever deported from any country.

Then after making more notes, he leaned back and said, “Only one more thing, do you have any proof that this is a bona fide marriage?”

I handed over documents with both our names (PG&E statement, bank account, credit card, notarized statements from 2 friends, apartment lease). He took them without even looking at them and shoved them into our file he had on his desk.

Then he said, “I'm APPROVING YOUR CASE, the green card will come in the mail within 2 weeks.”

Then he told us how this is conditional and 90 days before it expires we need to renew it blah blah…

And that’s it! Ten minutes of EASE! WHOO HOO! (Hubby answered all questions himself and even I did not have to translate! Way to go honey!!)

At 7:30 PM that evening we got the email from CRIS saying CARD PRODUCTION ORDERED.

We started our visa journey nearly a year ago and what a RELIEF – no more paperwork!!

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Fresno CA Review #1337 on March 2, 2007:



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Review Topic: General Review

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Fresno CA Review #1312 on February 20, 2007:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We didn't have any issues with the office. Our interview was scheduled early in the morning, and there was only another couple other than us waiting to be interviewed. The interviewer asked several questions regarding our marriage, then some more general questions, and our case was approved. Our passport was stamped right away and 10 days later i received the "greencard".

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