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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews

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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
130 Review(s)
Detroit MI Review #9436 on April 4, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We weren't sure if I would be allowed to interpret so we brought an interpreter just in case. Mostly the interview went ok. She first asked to see various original copies and things that we had brought. Then she asked some questions about our relationship. She then asked some questions about his family. He couldn't remember the year of his son's birth, even though he knew his birthday and age (not so good at mental math) and when I tried to help by procuring the birth certificate she got really grumpy and said she needed him to tell her (even though we aren't petitioning for the kids anyway). After that she asked some more questions, then asked nearly every single yes/no question on the form we sent in and then it was over. She said she couldn't tell us if we were approved, but by the evening when we checked online after a few hours of stress it was changed to approved.

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Detroit MI Review #9062 on January 26, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hy to all VJ fanily, after a very lengthy long K1 visa process we were approved June 2011 got married August 2011.

Today 25 January 2012 5 months later on we were interviewed in Detroit and were approved our Green Card, A day before the inteview the Combo card for work and advance parole came that was nicely timed.

The interview lasted at least 30 mins she asked us some generic questions about our relationship how we met and if we were still married?? then she checked off the information already on file and asked for any addtional, we supplied our W2 and some photos (4) with our insurance documents, car and bank details. The officer took copies of our Driving licence and my birth certificate again and then gave us a form relating to applying for the ROC in two years that was it over and she said I am pleased to say your Green Card will be with you in 2- 3 weeks.

The whole process has been long and some what stressful for us both, however ... read complete review

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Detroit MI Review #8731 on November 18, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Polite people from start to finish. A quick and easy process. We waited in the lobby for about an hour (we were very early) and called into the interview 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Our interviewer was a pleasant gentleman, straightforward and to-the-point, but very polite. Interview lasted only 10 minutes with approval on the spot. Minimal questions were asked, including dates of birth, how we met, how we got along with each other's families, how many people were at our reception, and what each other's hobbies are. Quick, simple, much easier than we had expected.

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Detroit MI Review #8675 on November 8, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived at about 10.45 for our 11am interview, went to the window to log our arrival, then sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before my name was called. The interviewer was incredibly shy, and lacking in people skills, avoided eye contact and didn't really say much. I had 2 huge files of stuff, along with a big photo album - none of which was needed. He asked a few questions like my parents names, husbands date of birth & my address - all questions from the forms submitted. He asked my husband how we met, and then said I'd have my greencard in about 2 weeks. I'd say we were there for 5 minutes at the most, and had the distinct feeling we were approved before we even walked in the door.

Although it was a very easy interview, I wouldn't say it was pleasant at all. I felt very relaxed about the whole thing until I met the interviewer, his lack of people skills made both of us feel on edge. I wasn't expecting him to be our friend, but I did think someone ... read complete review

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Detroit MI Review #8667 on November 8, 2011:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview was scheduled for today, 11/7. My husband and I were there about a half hour early, got through security (person in front of me brought a backpack in and held every one up, don't ever do this, you're going for an interview or biometrics, not for a campout in the parking lot!) and went to Check-in desk, lady was very nice and pointed us to the correct check-in desk at counter 8. Again, very nice lady, she marked us off, scanned the interview notice and let me know that the interviewer was with an earlier appointment and to sit down as he would call my name at a door that lead to the offices.

Waited for about 20 minutes, watched as the other couples and families were very efficiently brought into the inner sanctum. As I said, after 20 minutes my name was called and we both went through to his office. He told us to sit and relax, that there was no need to be nervous (which actually worked!) and I could see our file on his desk, our marriage invite on top. He conf... read complete review

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