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Charlotte NC USCIS Office Reviews

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Charlotte NC USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
57 Review(s)
Charlotte NC Review #7026 on January 6, 2011:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Approved! Approved! Approved!!!!... Interview went VERY well. whole interview process took abt 10mins. My hubby and i got to the USCIS Charlotte NC location at 9:30 for our 9:45 appointment. We were checked in and sitted by 10. at 10:15 the IMO called us in. He was a young looking caucasian guy, maybe in his middle to late 30\'s. he swore us in and the next thing he said was \" lets try to figure out how we\'re going to fit your name onto your card\" lol ( i admit i do have a very long name lol). I immediately felt as easea after hearing him say that because i knew in my heart i wasn\'t going to be leaving that office without an approval. He didn\'t ask us ANY qeustions. he only asked to see our ID\'s and evidence that we were married. He mad fun of our pictures mainly because he said he was suprised i didn\'t bring a big scrapbook with me lol, i told him i was intending to, but hubby told me it would be too much . we finally figured out how to handle the issue with my long name and he asked me the questions on the I-485, stamped the paper he was looking through with the approval stamp and we were done. I asked if he was going to stamp my passport and he said no because i should receive my card in 7-10 days but if i needed to travel for an emergency i could always come in for the stamp. Thanks to everyone on VJ for all the help!!!!! But most importantly thanks to God for his NUMEROUS blessings! without him i wouldn\'t be here today!!!! Finally my 10yr journey has ended..well atleast for the next 1yr 7months lol...Good luck to all who are waiting!!!

(updated on January 10, 2011)

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Charlotte NC Review #6939 on December 2, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Officer "Davis": very nice lady, very pleasent to talk to, very nice and formal.
We were on the waiting area for about 5 to 10 minutes before we were called in, the interview went quick, she liked and commented on our pictures and she was overwelmed by the quantity of bills/proof we had.
At the end of what it was more of a "conversation" than an interview, she told us that we were approved and proceeded to explain all further steps...

Note: be ready to bring copies of everything you may not want them to keep because they will keep some "proof" for their archives (such as bills, affidavit letters, pictures, etc. etc, etc...)

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Charlotte NC Review #4692 on July 6, 2009:

Aussie Nikki

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived about 20 minutes early and went through Airport like security. The guards were very friendly.

We then went into a room with about 20 or so other people. They had CNN playing on the TV.

We were called exactly on time. The interviewer called both me & my son together. We went through to his office and all sat down. He was extremely friendly and very understanding of my son's Autism.

We pretty much felt right away he was convinced we were legit. He asked us to confirm the dates, addresses, names & signatures on the forms then he asked "Those questions" eg" Terrorist, criminal etc.

Then he looked at our photo albums, he especially liked the ones of the beaches in Australia!!

Then he said he needed to speak to his supervisor and he went away for about 3 minutes.

Then he came back and told us we were approved! My husband wanted to hug him!

Then he stamped our Passports and took my EAD card.

He then congratulated us and we all shook hands.

It was a great experience!

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Charlotte NC Review #3973 on February 20, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

NOTE: This review is for the Raleigh-Durham office! There appears to be no category for it yet.

Appointment date/time was 2/19/09 @ 1:30pm for initial AOS interview.

Check In: Arrived at the Raleigh-Durham office at 1:15. Interview check-in is on the first floor and the waiting room is on the 2nd floor. Be sure to leave your phone or other electronics in the car as they're not allowed in the building.

Wait Time: Checked in and received a numbered paper ticket that was stapled to our interview NOA and then was directed to the second floor waiting room. The waiting room is equipped with 2 TV's; one had CNN running while the other displayed the ticket numbers called. The waiting room was fairly full when we arrived. We waited approximately 1.5 hours before our number was called; we waited at the door for the interviewing officer to let us in.

Interview: Officer was probably in his late 20's-early 30's and friendly. Walked us to his office (first door on left), swore us in, and then seated us. We were his 13th and last interview for the day. He started looking through our paperwork, asking my wife questions about her parents and what they did in China (they're retired), remarked about the complete vaccination record we had in our file (apparently, we were the only one out of his 13 interviews to have complete information that day). He verified the birth certificates and marriage certificates he had on file with the ones we brought with us and then asked for our bank statement and any other evidence of our relationship. We handed him 1 bank statement, 1 AMEX statement, 1 phone bill, and our photo album containing 53 photos. He glanced over the statements and browsed the photo album. After some casual conversation about China and the job my wife holds (financing director for a Chinese firm's North American operations), he told us we were approved! He stamped our file and then wrote out a little sticky note for our reference on when we should file to remove conditions in 21 months. Total time was about 15 minutes. My wife asked to have the approval stamp in her passport so she could travel, if needed, and he agreed to get that done for her...that took 15 more minutes as he had to go downstairs to get the stamp done. We shook hands and left.

Overall: Good experience! The wait time was long, but that doesn't hold a candle to the total wait time we've gone through with this whole process, lol.

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Charlotte NC Review #3224 on August 13, 2008:

Marcus and Laura

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

After unsuccessfully trying to have our interview moved up due to wife having to move out of state for new job, even though the Raleigh/Durham Office was ready to, we contacted our congressman. His staffer helped us out immensly finding out that it could be done, but apparently wasn't done correctly the previous time though nobody was told that (got to love the NBC). We finally got a new earlier date and when we turned up they at first thought we were there for our naturalization, so wouldn't allow my wife in. (she had to sit back down thinking what the hell had we done wrong..)

Once they realized we were there for AOS, the IO called my wife back in and the interview proceeded Nothing untoward, just the usual questions: how did you meet, when did you want to marry and have you met the parents etc. She took a picture for their records and some evidence that we gave her. We don't get paper statements so just had the bank type a letter saying our account was joint.

Towards the end she lead us down a little path, letting us believe we would have to wait to hear about if we were to be approved or not. But that wait didn't last long, after a quick check of the computer she approved us and even stamped my passport!!

As we were walking out though, we did get called back! but only to sign my wife's sponsor's change of address form that we had printed off in haste the night before.

Overall, a bit nerve racking, we sat there for a while not knowing who to tell that we were there, lol, but we came out very much relieved!!!!

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