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Albany NY USCIS Office Reviews

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Albany NY USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 3.4 / 5
21 Review(s)
Albany NY Review #31899 on March 22, 2023:



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Review Topic: General Review

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Albany NY Review #29530 on April 22, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Been there around 50 mins total, interview itself took 20 mins. first they checked our bags and asked me to remove my boots and run them through the scanner too. They checked our temperatures and told us to wait until the officer calls us. My husband (USC) was only asked when we met and where we live. I was asked MY parents’ names and a whole bunch of questions, whether I plan to be involved in prostitution, terrorism, human trafficking,etc. He didn’t look at our photo album, only attached our electric bill and joint bank account proof to the case. The officer said that the decision will be made either till the end of the day or in the next couple weeks. I checked my status in 2 hours, and it said “New card is being produced”. So happy this is over! Good luck to everyone !

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Albany NY Review #29084 on January 31, 2021:

Endrit Shalcanji

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Review Topic: Other Experience

UNION Constitution FOREVER

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Albany NY Review #28245 on April 9, 2020:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Albany NY Review #27892 on January 29, 2020:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at 08:15 in the morning - doors opened at 08:05. My wife and I were directed to check in at a window. He asked me what I was there for, and I showed him my appointment letter. He then asked for my EAD card and verified my name and address.

I was then asked to provide my two index fingers to take fingerprints.

Once the check-in was over, we were directed to a small waiting area adjacent to the check-in window. We were standing there for about 30 seconds and then the interviewing officer came over and called out our names. We were then led to his office in the back and asked to remain standing and to swear that all the information we were giving was true.

After that, the interviewing officer went through the application and asked me to verify my name, my wife's name, our dates of birth, places of birth, my parent's dates and places of birth. Our lawyer then gave him an affidavit of support for our joint sponsor. The intervi... read complete review

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