Tunisia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5
/ 5
68 Review(s)
Tunisia | Review #33133 on April 22, 2024: |
Shawn and Jihene

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
This review is from the point of view as myself (Husband Petitioner) and wife (immigrant applicant).
After all the stress and anxiety, the actual visa appointment was smooth and relatively quick. I think we benefited though from the fact that just the week before, we had been to the consulate for our daughter's consulate report of birth abroad, and so the CO already knew us and recognized us, and had agreed to let me into the embassy for my wife's visa appointment (as my wife is nursing, and would need help to attend to the newborn.
All in all, we arrived a little before 730AM for an 8AM appointment. We were among the first one's in. They gave my wife a number after security, and after about 15 minutes of waiting, her number was called. She had to provide all the original documents of the following:
Marriage contract
city hall marriage certificate
birth certificate
police record
my tax info (oddly, they didn... read complete review
Tunisia | Review #31532 on November 1, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: Other Experience
My husband had his interview October 19th for Cr1 visa. The officer told him he was approved and to pick up his visa tge following week. He went and was told that we did not add some things to Ceac but we did. I emailed then so they said for my husband to go back Wednesday November 2nd. Then the next day they said for him to return Thursday November 3rd. Inshallah he will get his visa this time. Their inconsistencies are very annoying and frustraiting.
Tunisia | Review #31328 on August 5, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
My husband said that he was the last one called. They looked at a few documents and asked why we decided to go back to America. Asked what he planned to be doing for work and then took his passport and gave him a pick up slip. They were courteous and polite to him.
Tunisia | Review #31280 on July 23, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
Rating only
Tunisia | Review #29432 on April 4, 2021: |

· 3 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiancé’s interview was in March. He street parked and left his cell phone in the car.
His appointment was at 8:30 AM, and he arrived about 15 minutes early. There was some waiting and some paperwork collected before he met with the consular officer around 9:30 AM.
He was nervous and was sure that he came across that way.Â
The consular officer started with yes/no and short answer questions from the I-129F and eased into questions that required more descriptive answers and spoke to the level of comfort and familiarity in our relationship.
Is your fiancée divorced?
Are you divorced?
When and how did you meet your fiancée?
How long after the first meeting did you meet with your fiancée again?
- How long was that visit?
- What were the dates of the visit?
Has your fiancée visited Tunisia?
What do you love about your fiancée?
Why do you want to get married in the... read complete review
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