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Switzerland US Consulate Reviews

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Switzerland US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
37 Review(s)
Review #12076 on June 7, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The interview at the US embassy in Bern went smoothly and quickly. My appointment was at 10am. After having gone through security check, I waited for about 15 minutes before meeting with the first agent. She put some information in the computer and checked that the file the embassy had received was complete. She did not ask any particular question. She mainly wanted to know where to deliver the green card once I would be in the US. She took my finger prints. After that, I met with another agent. We had a discussion that lasted 5 minutes. He asked what was my husband (US citizen) doing and where he was from. Then he took my index finger print again. After that, it was over. Overall, I spent 45 minutes at the embassy. I returned the following day to pick up my IR1 visa. Contrary to the overall process, the embassy step was easy and quick.

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Review #10660 on October 18, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hey guys,
I had a very pleasant experience with this embassy. First of all they are quite responsive to emails – it takes usually a day to get a response, but every further question that I emailed them got responded within 5-10 min (I had to re-schedule the interview as my wife's medical was not ready – NVC scheduled the interview 12 days after they completed the case, and we could not get an appointment early enough).
The appointment was at 10 AM. We came in 20 min earlier – found no lines. We passed security and then met a nice lady who got medical results and assembled the documents for our kid and my wife. Then we were taken to a different room where we waited for ~20 min to see a consul. The consul was another nice lady who asked my wife to swear to tell the truth and asked a few questions like where do you meet, when did I propose, how, where did we have a marriage and whether we had a party in the US etc. She did not ask for my tax returns, driver license, pictures etc. Then she informed us that they will mail the visa next week. Overall, the interview took < 10 min... We were outside at around 11:20 AM or so.

For those bringing kids – there are lots of books and some toys in the waiting room – so no need to bring your toys with you. I think they put us ahead of line because of the kid, since we were taken to the consul before some folks who were already in the waiting room.

Overall, it is nice and quiet place. People were courteous and we enjoyed the whole process - very efficient and quick

Good luck!

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Review #10404 on September 14, 2012:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Review #10197 on August 16, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my visa interview yesterday and got approved! I am so happy. However, there were so many insecurities on our journey to the point where we are at right now. Therefore, I want to tell you about my experience and hopefully make it a little easier for you.
I read and researched so much, that I always knew which step is next and was ahead of most of the things...(how very Swiss javascript:emoticon('')) So the day I got back from the medical I found package 3 in my mailbox. I was able to send everything asked for back right away and waited about two weeks for the appointment to the interview.
I was in Bern early enough (very Swiss again javascript:emoticon('')) You are not allowed to take any bags, mobile phone... so I just had my folder with me. I was security checked and the agent asked me to open the sealed envelope in front of him. It was the one the doctor gave me.
After that you have to go downstairs and you get appointed to a little room. A very friendly lady with a checklist assembled all my documents. She was talking Swiss German. I really appreciated her charming Bernese accent, she made me feel at ease. After she had everything she needed (in my case 156 twice, 156k, original birth certificate, original Strafregisterauszug (police certificate), the package I got from the doctor, the pink slip that confirms your payment, affidavit of support and fingerprints) , she told me she was going to see the consular officer. The surprise was that once she got back the consular officer was seeing me right away, I did not have to come back in the afternoon.
The consular officer asked me to swear that I tell the truth. Then she asked:
- Where we met?
- When that was?
- Why I was there?
- When we saw each other again?
- When we decided to get married?
- If there has been an engagement?
- How we get on with each others families?
- If my fiancé speaks any other languages?
Then she asked me if I have anything in the file I want to show her. I told her I got copies of letters, e-mails, pictures... She just wanted to see the pictures. She already had our 129f package from NVC and told me she has seen some letters... The last question was if I want to pick the visa up or have it mailed to me and when I was planning to leave Switzerland with it. My appointment was at 10 am and I was done by 10.50!
I am still stoked on how easy the day was yesterday!

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Review #9293 on March 8, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had my interview scheduled for 10AM, with the expectation to come back in the afternoon.
Showed up at 9.55, got inside after some usual security and was showed to an interview room where I submitted all the documents. Surprisingly they did not want any of the extras such as the proof of relationship, NOAs etc. Only the basic things.
After that the lady went to ask when in the afternoon the consul could see me but came back 15 seconds later saying that she could see me this morning. After about a 15 minute wait I was called to the window, made to swear the truth and asked basically the following questions:
- How have you met?
- How long have you been together?
- Are you going to have a small or a big wedding?
A couple more questions which were related to my specific case (such as where did I go to college etc) later I was told that everything was good and that they would let me know by email when I could pick up the visa.
I was out of the building at 11 and went back for my visa 2 days later.

I have been to many consulates of many different countries in my life, but Bern has always managed to surprise me in a good way, and did it again this time.

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