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Sweden US Consulate Reviews

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Sweden US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
145 Review(s)
Review #13557 on December 31, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was a quick and easy process. Everyone was friendly and although I had double and triple checked all my papers, I brought the wrong kind of birth certificate.
I was about to cry, thinking we're going to have to start all over again now, the lady at the embassy gave me an envelope and told me to just send it in as soon as possible after the interview.

The ladies who interviewed me asked some basic questions, chit chatted a little bit and it didn't feel as interrogating as I thought it was going to be.

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Review #13152 on October 31, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I got there at 8.30 and was the first in line for Immigration. Went through security with one little issue; there was something in my bag that wasnt allowed in, but none of us could actually find it. Two officers and I looked through everything I had until one of them realized it was one of the birthday cards I had brought as "relationship evidence", it had music and a dancing robot on it, and therefore also batteries and wires inside. I did not think about that!

I then went to window G where a lady just left, and was a little confused until I asked if she was coming back, and another lady came to help. Well, "help". I didnt not have a very good first impression of her, and it only got worse by the minute. She asked a million questions and told me my fiancé's papers werent enough and was very skeptical the entire time, and when I told her that I have read everywhere that this is what I'm suppose to bring, she just looked at me and said "no it isnt" but that it was up to... read complete review

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Review #12855 on September 24, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I arrived early and I was the only person in the immigrant visa line. They started letting people in after 8; I entered, sat, and waited in the waiting room. After 15 minutes someone called me and she asked few questions like how my fiance and I have met and how old my fiance is and other simple questions like those. She also asked me to write my address and put stamps on an envelope she gave me for my passport return. She told me to sit and wait as someone else wanted to interview me too. So I waited for 30 more minutes and then they called my name. Another woman interviewed me and asked similar questions and also about my education and majors I've studied. It took about 10 minutes. Then she told me my documents are not complete; there was a tax return missing from my I-134 form and also she said I need to send them a CV, which wasn't in the original requirements. They kept my passport anyway. After two days I completed my documents and sent them by email and then they said my case ne... read complete review

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Review #12738 on September 10, 2013:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

took bus 69 from Åhlenshuset to the embassy and arrived at 7.50 am. No line for me since I've applied for IR-1 visa. Had to show my shoe soles from the outside and then I was accepted inside the room where they scanned my bags and they put my phone in a small cubby, gave me a card for it and said that I'd receive it back when I'm done.

Went inside the building and went to window G. I gave the guy who spoke Swedish my passport and he asked for further financial evidence, eventhough they had everything. I gave him recent paystubs and bank statement for the latest month.
I got a big envelope that I had to put my swedish adress and stamps on, 149 sek if you're a Swedish resident. Then I sat and waited for the interview,.

About 30 minutes later I got called up and a lady who speaks English asks a bunch of questions. Why do you have your old green card with you? I'd brought it since I emailed the embassy in Sweden and they told me to bring it in on my i... read complete review

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Review #12518 on August 12, 2013:

Emmet & Tina


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I was so nervous, but I must say this was a really good experience. Everyone was very polite and gave very good instructions. I was first in line for the immigrant visa (we were just two people waiting).

I had the interview scheduled for 8:30am and arrived at the embassy 8.00am.
8:38am I was outside again with an approval

The question I was asked (not in correct order and I might have forgotten some):
Where did you met?
When did you met?
How did you met?
Have you been in the US?
The longest stay in US?
When did you get married?
What is your husbands name?
Where does he live?
What is he working with?
Have your husband been married before?
What do you work with in Sweden?
Do you plan to work in the US?
With what do you plan to work with?
Have you ever been arrested?

And when the interviewer looked at my education histor... read complete review

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