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South Africa US Consulate Reviews

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South Africa US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
136 Review(s)
South Africa
Review #31429 on September 17, 2022:

Melissa Guajardo

Melissa Guajardo


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

In Capetown, there there was a mishap with my fiancés medical exam and that threw off the interview process. My fiancés name was not on the list the day he was scheduled for an appointment and we think it was because of the mishap with the medical exam. It all got sorted none the less and my fiancé left his passport the same day of the interview with the officer and received his passport 15 days later. Wish they could be more organized at Capetown to avoid this errors.

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South Africa
Review #31354 on August 17, 2022:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I’m very excited. Praise God!!!
My interview was During the Pandemic in October of 2020.
There’s a queue outside the gate and we had to pass through security.
Before then, an officer came from inside the consulate to check the requirements of all interviewees. In additional to that, the interviewee must verify his/her identity and confirm interview date with the security. Before you get into the Consulate, you must pass through US airport-like security check.
When I got to the interview hall, my documents were checked that’s evidence to proof Bona fide marriage. Also some of the documents of sponsors. Then the best part of this was the final interview itself. I was privileged to meet this wonderful American God-sent woman of color. So nice! My opinion is I believe she is a mother and has the heart of gold. She approved my visa. When I got home I prayed for her and her career. I am now in the US with my family.

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South Africa
Review #31353 on August 17, 2022:



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Review Topic: General Review

This is the 2nd time I've had an interview at the Johannesburg consulate branch, the first being for a tourist visa in 2019. Here's what you can expect:
â–ª Long wait times outside the consulate - Always arrive much earlier than your interview because it works on a "first come, first served" basis. Generally, all the people in line with you also have their booking slot set to the same time. The time slot is not an indication of when your interview will take place, but rather when a batch of people will be let into the consulate.
â–ª No laptops are allowed and cannot be stored at check-in.
â–ª Bring a copy of your passport, along with all the other documents.
â–ª You will check in all electronic devices, including smartwatches, upon entry and will only get it back once your interview has been completed. Plan accordingly.
â–ª If you carry a bag/handbag with you, bring a smaller one on the day of your interview. You'll carry it with y... read complete review

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South Africa
Review #30810 on March 7, 2022:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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South Africa
Review #29555 on April 28, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-5 Visa

My parents were interviewed together by a friendly officer. They were interviewed about 2.5 hours after their scheduled appointment (8am).
The interview lasted around 20 minutes. They were asked to provide a new police certificate (which we fortunately had), marriage certificate, their birth certificates, and my birth certificate. They were asked about how I got to the USA, information on my employment history, where my sister lives and why they decided to relocate to the USA and not where my sister lives.
Besides the wait, they had a very pleasant experience and they are extremely grateful that they have been approved.

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