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Senegal US Consulate Reviews

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Senegal US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3 / 5
57 Review(s)
Review #17360 on July 19, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Review #16652 on April 22, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa


We did the medical about 2 weeks in advance. Went to Dr. Rahmi, he saw my husband and step-daughter for just a few minutes and gave them the prescriptions to go get the chest x-ray and blood test and then we made an appointment for the next day to see him again. Chest x-ray is just a few blocks away, they did it and then we waited about an hour for the results. Took a taxi to get the blood test done at Institut Pasteur. That took about 30 minutes but the results aren't ready until the next day. The actual appointment with Dr. Rahmi lasted over an hour. He asked a bunch of medical history questions, filled out the forms, and did a physical exam. Then my husband and step-daughter got 1 shot each (the vaccines they were missing). Dr. Rahmi gave us a sealed envelope and that was it!

Interview day:

We arrived around 6 am (appt at 7). At first, it seems very disorganized because there are dozens of people just standing across the street, not in line or anything. But if you ask around, there is a sign up list. I was NOT allowed in the embassy with my husband and step-daughter. I guess they never allow the petitioner. Only exceptions would be if you need a translator. He went to the first window (outside) and showed his P4 letter, passport photos, and passport. You can't bring anything into the embassy with you- even the messenger bag which was holding all of our documents. So he gave me his phone, bag, etc to hold while he went in with just the binders. There are a few shops down the street where you can leave your phone and pay a small fee, just in case you don't have someone to hold it for you.

My husband was the first in line and he was done in about 1.5 hours. He said that it was mostly spent waiting around. The interview was short maybe 5 minutes, he said the CO was a very nice woman, she asked him maybe a dozen questions about us and looked through our pictures. I had sent him in with 3 huge binders. They only wanted to see the original birth certificates, marriage certificate, police certificates, and pictures. She told him that she just needed a week to verify his court record and she handed him a 221g paper.


The next week they called and told us to bring the passports on Thursday. Took about an hour to drop the passports off. Were given green tickets and told to come back on Tuesday. No official word about approval- keeping us on the edge of our seats

We came the next Tuesday to pick things up. Waited inside for 2.5 hours and they told him they were closing for the day and we'd have to come back next Tuesday. So it delayed us another week. Came back the following Tuesday, he waited inside for a little over an hour and was finally given the sealed envelopes with the passports/visas.

He said that the Senegalese workers were not very friendly but the American CO who interviewed him was really nice and even joked with him. I found the Dakar embassy is pretty good at responding to emails within 48 hours, but they usually just give you the formulaic responses. All in all, an okay experience.

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Review #16606 on April 16, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife's interview was at 8 a.m. she arrived early. She waited about an hour before being called. The interviewer asked her a couple questions about how we meet; my wife explained that a mutual friend introduced us and he asked why he introduced us? Also asked about my annulled marriage and my daughter and how we communicate. My wife explained that we live together in Senegal and this caught the interviewer by surprise even though this was extensively documented in our application. My wife had about 200 pages of documents to present but the interviewer never looked at them. The interview lasted about five minutes and ended with the interviewer handing my wife a document stating that our case needed further administrative processing. Four days after the first interview my wife received a call from the embassy asking her to return to the embassy with her passport. When she returned to the embassy she dropped of her passport and was given a green ticket and told to return in four days to pick up her passport. It was never stated whether or not here visa was approved or denied. When she returned to the embassy a gentleman returned her passport with her visa along with a packet to present to immigration upon entry into the U.S.. She was also given a document stating that I would need to pay a fee to USCIS for the processing and handling of her application before she arrived in the U.S..

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Review #15823 on December 19, 2014:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband arrived at 7:00 A.M. He was told that his passport photos were not the correct size and had to purchase another set. He returned to the U.S. Embassy at 8:00 A.M. and was granted entry.

He was called to the first window and asked to submit original documents. He was called to the second window for fingerprints. Finally, he was called to window #7 for his interview. (He said that he waited a little over an hour to be called to each window.) He was asked the following questions:

1. Who's the petitioner?

2. How long have you known your wife?

3. How did you meet?

4. Where does your wife work?

5. What is her occupation?

6. How long did you live together?

7. Why did your wife return to the USA?

8. Why didn't she return to Senegal?

9. How do we communicate?

It was just that simple!

The CO did not ask for any evidence other than phone records. This was a huge blessing since the evidence of relationship binder that I sent to him via DHL did not arrive until the same day as his interview.

My hubby has to complete a medical requirement and send in phone records (they had this at NVC) and he will be issued his visa!

My hubby said that the process was really smooth and that the employees were really nice! This might be due to the holiday season!

Peace and blessing to you all and may you all hear the words, "Visa approved!"

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Review #11054 on December 10, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Please see part 1 http://triflesandtreasures.blogspot.com/2012/12/operation-k-1-fiance-visa-part-one.html

and part 2 http://triflesandtreasures.blogspot.com/2012/12/operation-k-1-fiance-visa-part-2.html

of our experiences (on my blog).

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