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Saudi Arabia US Consulate Reviews

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Saudi Arabia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.4 / 5
59 Review(s)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Review #22648 on October 10, 2017:

Moses E


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Review #21505 on March 13, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Today my wife got her visa approved and I was with her during the interview. Her interview was 12:30 and we were the first on the line.
They called our number to window 12 and the guy collected all original civil documents and took my wife's fingerprints. The guy asked if I have a job offer or work lined up once we move to the US. Since I've been living and working in Saudi Arabia for 7 years. I told him I'm focusing now on getting my wife home then I will worry about a job once I move there. We will be living with family so technically not much of expenses will be there for us. I told him we already booked our flight to travel March 23rd even before we got our interview scheduled that's how eager we are to go home. He asked us to sit and wait for my wife's name to be called. We went and waited for another 15 minutes and then they called my wife's name. We went to window # 13 and he looked at us and immediate handed over to my wife's a paper with her rights in the US. He then asked her to have her fingerprints again and asked her raise her right hand for oath. The guy looked at me and asked me why do you want to go back home now? I told him I've had enough and it's time to go back. He smiled and said congratulation your visa is approved. He asked us to go back and they'll call her name again. By the time we reach to the seat before even sitting, they called her name again and handed over a piece of paper to come and collect the visa within three days..
The entire journey in the embassy didn't take more than 35 minutes

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Review #21493 on March 10, 2017:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall experience during my K1 visa interview last feb 27,2017 was pretty amazing and perfect.All were friendly and just took me about 2hours to finished everything,passed the interview and got visa approved. After 3 days got my visa and passport. 😄

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Review #21258 on January 26, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The process at the USA Embassy Riyadh was smooth, although the extra security precautions created some challenges finding a parking location. Entry to the Embassy is only permitted at the specified time, with the control area advising when you may enter and complete the security protocols. Once inside the embassy, the process can be slow, taking approximately 2-3 hours. You will need to leave the embassy at one point to obtain a SMSA courier receipt for the return of your passport. This could be done in advance if you desire; you will need to know the case number and put this on the package. It does not take much extra time, but it can save about 20 minutes. The SMSA office is close, and also surrounded by restaurants so that is a good time to take in some food for those who travelled to the embassy. The staff are good and there are multiple steps to complete, but they are efficient and polite.

When you go, be sure that you have all of the items you might need. These should be in good condition and readily accessible. The most important items are the originals. While you might not need all items, it is best to take copies of all items you sent during the application process and the originals for each.

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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Review #21125 on January 3, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The embassy is at 4 hours drive from my home. My interview was at 12:30 so I started at 6:30 from home and reached there at 1130. Embassy was in embassies colony but to US embassy there is not any direct access of any road so I parked my car bit far from embassy and walked up to the gate with my huge folder of documents. when I reached on the gate three more people were sitting on the chairs outside the embassy as guards were not allowing to go in so I also waited there. At exactly 12:30 they called us to go inside they checked the interview letter and passport check the name in the list with them took car keys to keep it in th lock box and gave me a token for that. After that all my documents and belongings Scand from x-ray machine and guide me to a door. After entering that door another security guy asked me what kind of interview I have. I said immigrain so he gave me a token and told me to sit in waiting area to be called. Time was stamped on token it was issued at 12:45 till 1:00PM all the counter were closed. Exactly at !:00 p m they started to call at 1:03pm my number was called to go on counter#12 I went there a Bengali or Indian guy was there he asked my name, checked it in the list and told me to go to counter#6 when I went there no body was there inside, but I could see the documents which we sent before to NVC. After two or three minutes a tall Pakistani guy appeared on other side and said good morning, I replied the same (even it was afternoon). He started interview and it remained couninuied for almost ten to fifteen mintushe asked me
CO: you speak English
ME: yes
Co; give me your passport and interview letter
CO: who is ……
Me: my wife
CO: where is she today
Me: in the same city….Riyadh
CO: why she is here
Me: she came with me from ……another city
CO: I mean why she is here she came with you here in embassy
Me: no…. because it is mentioned in letter that petitioner is not required on interview
CO:ok… how long have you been here in Saudi Arabia
Me: I told him
Co: can I have your original police certificate
Me: gave him
Co: you both are relative
Me: yes
Co : how
Me: Our fathers are cousins
Co : cousins but not brothers
Me :no they are not real brothers

Then he started to speak Urdu

Co: where did you get married?
Me: Pakistan
Co: you wife is living with you since your marriage
Me: No she goes to US and the comes back
Co: she has Saudi residence pwermit
Me Yes
Co how many kisd you both have
Me two
Co:What are their names
Me: I told
Co:They born in Saudi Arabia?
Me : no… they born in USA
Co: can I have their birth certificates
Me: I gave
Co : how many brother and sisters does your wife has
Me: I told
Co what is brother’s name
Me: I told
Co: where does your wife lives when she goes to US
Me: with her parents
Co : do you have ur wedding pics
Me: yes I have and gave him pics
Co : can I have you original marriage certificate and birth certificate
Me: I gave him
Co: how co sponsor is related to you or your wife
Me: he is my wife uncle
Co: did any one of you got married before
Me: no
Co: have you ever been in US
Me: no
Co: have you ever applied for US Visa before
Me: no
Co: Which countries you visited except Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
Me: I didn’t visit any other country
Co: if approved when you are planning to go to USA
Me: my current job need one month notice period. After approval I will put my resign and then after one moth I will leave.
Co do you have any proof that you put resign
Me: I didn’t resigned yet, once I will get approved then I will resign.
Co: ok you can have a seat, you will be called again
Me: ok thank you

(He was writing something on a form with title visa assessment form)

I sat again and after ten minis I was called again on counter#13
This time an American white guy was sitting on the other side his voice was too low that I was not able to hear so turned on the speaker so here is what he asked
Co: hi…. How are you
Me: I am good…… how are you
Co : good
Co: raise your right hand and take oath
Co: he gave me a paper by saying these are your rights when you will enter into us
Then he took my finger prints if left hand
Co: what your wife’s name
Me: told home
How many kids do you have?
Me two
Co: why your wife is he
Me: Because I am here
Co: Ok when you are planning to go to US
Me: After one month
Ok congratulations you are approved my colleague will call you and will further guide you
He was taking notes on his computer.

Then after five mins same Pakistani guy called me and said congratulation consulate officer has approved you now take this slip and go to samsa office give them your delivery address and pay the fees you will get your passport with stamped visa within ten to twelve days. And then he gave back all my original documents. I went to samsa office paid delivery charges and went back to embassy to give them airway bill and then got out of embassy took my car kes from the security gate and came back. Now waiting for status to become ISSUED which is still READY

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