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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
592 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #848 on September 17, 2006:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

They asked him alot of questions about my family, but mostly they kept on asking him the phone numbers, which he did not have, b/c i dont have them either since my brother and sisters and i stay in contact through emails.
And another big question was why my grown children did not live with me.
I live alone in a house that is paid for.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #813 on September 4, 2006:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

my wife's interview was pretty easy. Very simple interivew, asked only 3 or 4 questions, was out by 10:30Am

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #314 on December 17, 2005:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I have to give the embassy a mid range review. Our paperwork sat until I had the senator ask why we had not gotten an interview date for months? We got the date in December after the senator inquired on our behalf. The interview itself was not a bad experience at all. My only problem is the lack of information that they give you and slow in getting to their cases.
Ishteaq arrived on time and was admitted to the embassy. He had to take off his belt and ring on his finger. And in his paperwork he had a musical card I had given him that he took for evidence they took it and he forgot to get it back. They said it was not allowed inside the compound.
He was called at 9 a.m. to window 5 where they asked for his passport and made sure he had his copies of everything and was paid in full. Then told him to go back and wait for the next call.
The next call to window 6 was at 9:45 a.m. to see which language he wanted to take his interview. He told them in English. He was then returned his passport at this window. Male Pakistani CO only asked him which state I lived in the USA? What type of marriage did we have and when and where did it happen? And how long was I in Pakistan? He looked at our wedding pictures briefly and asked him if he had other proofs? Ishteaq picked up the stack and the man said okay and did not look at any of it. Then dismissed him back to await the third call.
The male English CO called him to window 2 at 10:50 a.m. The gentleman was drinking coffee and very relaxed. He asked him how we met and when? Then he asked for our first face to face meeting of when and where? Asked about my job, my children, thier names and ages, how many times each of us were married, did money exchange hands, about our co-sponsor relationship, his job, and family? Then he asked for him to submit both his index finger prints. Interview was only about 15 minutes long. CO was interrupted by others two times during the interview for help with thier cases.
Ishteaq asked him if all was okay? CO said your case is okay but we have to do some offical work on it and gave him two sheets of paper. No comments written on them just the top boxed checked saying needed more processing. So we are now on AR and praying for it to be resolved shortly.
My chief complaints were that they took forever to schedule us since both our K3 and CR1 were at the embassy from July until October for interview. Secondly, they did not tell us we needed a co sponsor for longest and only then found this out calling DOS for updates. I feel if they can get more staff or handle these matters more efficiently their score would be a 5.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #265 on November 23, 2005:

Live By Faith


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Review Topic: K3 Visa

interview exp went very smooth, wife was well prepared. had no problems at all.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #238 on November 12, 2005:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

We arrived at the Convention center about 7am. The line for shuttle tickets was huge. We paid our 60 rupees then proceeded to the next line. The wait was not so bad. It was November, so the weather was not working against us.

After the shuttle ride we passed through 2 more security checks - No cigarettes, lighters, calculators. We were finally inside the embassy about 8:15am. We were not really sure what to do once in, not much guidance. There was a huge line to window 12 (Visitors I later figured out). We took our seats and waited. We sat next to window 3, which happened to be the K-3 window. After about 20 minutes we were called to window 5 to pay the fee ($100 US). He asked us if the CR-1 had made it to the embassy yet, we said no. He asked if we preferred an English or Urdu interview.

After about another 20 minutes we were called to window 7. She asked for our documents - taking only the bare minimum. I came loaded! She asked us a few questions then talked to Nas in Urdu and looked at our wedding pictures. At first I thought "that was a weird interview" - but she told us to take our seats we will be called again.

We only had to wait about another 10 minutes to be called to window 3. She was very nice - She even reminded me of someone I would be friends with here in Denver. She asked if I was the petitioner, I said yes. She said "you can stay, but you must let him answer the questions." She asked us the same questions we heard asked of the 4 or 5 interviews before us. She looked at our pictures and smiled & commented on our feeding the monkeys pictures, it felt great to make her smile! It all seemed to be going well - but of course - A/R! She said all of our papers were in order, but we would have to submit a full set of fingerprints before approval. She ended the interview with "Inshaallah, you will get approved in 6 weeks". (that made us feel better)

We went straight to window 5 to pay the $4750 rupees for the fingerprints. We waited about an hour before I finally inquired as to when the fingerprint person worked. She said he starts at 2. We were called within a few minutes (1:30) I get the feeling they forgot about us - but it was ok. I was watching and listening to all of the interviews. I would say ALL but 1 wife was approved on the spot - and NONE of the husbands were. All of the men were walking out with the same blue piece of paper. There were a few that were waiting like us for fingerprints. I did hear one man get upset because he did not have enough money for the fingerprint fee.

- On a side note, while waiting a very loud alarm went off - it was a mans voice saying "duck and cover - back away from the windows" (over and over) - NO one reacted! It's so funny how jaded we have become.

All in all - the interview was short and very very simple! All of the employees were nice to us.

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