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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
592 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #3268 on August 23, 2008:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife had her interview on August 1st, 2008. she got to the convention center around 6 am and arrived at the embassy around 7:45am.

she was not asked for any documents or fee. Her CO was white American male and he was very nice.
she was asked about 4 questions.

what is your husband name
her name
How did we meet?
wedding dates

After the interview, she was told congratulation and you will receive your visa in 7 days

next day she came back to Karachi.
on Aug, 5 she received a call from American Express to pickup the passport
she picked up the passport on Aug 6th

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #3216 on August 9, 2008:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My visa interview was on 7th august at 8:00. I got to the embassy by 7:30..i got a car permit made, so didnt have to wait for the bus to take me to the embassy. I was in the embassy waiting room by 8:00 and my finger printing done. The COs came at 8:30. I was called twice to submit my documents before i was interviewed. The CO only asked me 3 or 4 questions:
How long have i been married?
Where does my husband live?
and lastly CO saw the wedding pics and told me that congrats you have got the visa.
I was out of the embassy by 9:00.
Two days later i picked up my passport with the visa stamped on it

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #3205 on August 7, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

We arrived at the embassy at 6:30am, there was a long line of people, it was raining heavily and we had to wait out side for the bus to the interview building. The whole thing took 3 hours of waiting until our interview. Then finally it was our turn. The American consular asked my wife if I was married before and if she was married before, she said no. Then she said to him that I was there with her, and that I was an American citzen born in the US, and she showed him my American passport. After that he didn't ask any questions and smiled and told he told he she was approved for the K3 Visa. we recieved it actually a week from the interview in Karachi.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #3187 on August 3, 2008:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi guys, here is my interview experience of 1st August. i went to convention center at 6:30am. got the shuttle ticket and waited in a long line. after lots of security finally i reached embassy at 8:10am. first they took fingerprints and told me to sit in the IV Waiting room for my name to be called. after 15 minutes they called me in a window number 5 where a pakistani guys asked me 3 questions and took all my original documents. and told me to wiat again. after 1 hour i was called in windows 4 and a white officer interviewed me and asked me questions like that.

Where did u meet.
Were u looking for a wife on internet so u could immigrate to the U.S.
When did she came to pakistan
Have u ever travelled out of pakistan.
Have u done Hajj or Umrah
When did u get married
How long she stayed in pakistan.
Where does she live in U.S.
What do u do in pakistan

he asked me over 35 questions i can't even remembe... read complete review

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #3183 on August 2, 2008:

Amy B.


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

This is his interview and the way he explained it to me.

Qasim was one of the last ones at the embassy. He had already been 4 times interviewed during the day. They mostly asked about his first marriage. Like >>when did you marry first time? Was she pakistani? How long was you married? So that was about his first wife!

The only thing they asked about our relationship was >> How did you meet? When did you marry? Where did you marry? Why does your mom live in Karachi? Do you talk to your wife? ****Why don't you live with your wife?? ( duh) Why don't you live with your wife in a different country??

So overall, it wasn't all that great. He was given a blue slip of paper for AP/221G and also that we were Temp Refused due to>> We have to submit 2 documents back to the embassy and that he is also put on AP. Qasim did ask if they would start AP now and the CO said YES, that is their p... read complete review

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