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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
774 Review(s)
Review #10140 on August 6, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

A big thanks to my best friend, Jesus Christ for all His grace, mercies and favour. I told Him I wanted protocols to be broken in my favour and this was done. I spent only three minutes if not less before the CO. He did not ask for any additional documents like skype, yahoo messsenger, emails and call logs.

Questions were:
What is the name of your spouse?
What name does your spouse by in the US?
How did your spouse get to the US?
Tell me about your spouse's family?
What did your spouse tell your about the city where lives?
What kind of job do you intend to do when you get to the US?
Have you ever been to the US?
Does your spouse have any kids?
Do you have any kids?
Has any of you ever been married before?

Now, the knowledge I got from VJ was quite helpful as I saw a virtually all others who came for the immigrants visa with their x-ray film. If I had not known through VJ that there was no need for the x-ray film, I would have been really worried when I noticed I was just about the only one without the x-ray. I was the only one with a bag. Some persons where wondering if I would be allowed to go in with the bag: I had no issue with going in with the bag. Just be sure to keep out creams, nail vanish, flash drives, phones, camera, hair brush, juice , water, etc.

My interview was fixed for 7 a.m. I got there at about 20 mins to 6 a.m. and met quite a crowd already waiting. Acting on knowledge obtained from VJ that immigrant visas applicants line up on the left and non-immigrants to the right, I positioned myself in a great position for ease of movement into the left. When at 6:30 we were asked to cue up, I was the third person in the line, a husband and wife (DV winners) were in front. The aged and women with children were attended to first. While one of the CO's was attending to the DV couple, one of the other CO beckon on me to step over to his window. Three minutes later, I was through: Glory be to God! I stepped out of the consulate at about 9 a.m. I am picking up my passport and the visa next week Monday.

Please remember to go with passport photos as I almost did not want to having reasoned that since I had submitted along with the DS-230 form there was no need to go with any passport photos. Thank God I took fresh passport photos the night before the interview.

Thanks once again guys for all your kind support. It did help a great deal.

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Review #10048 on July 20, 2012:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The hubby's interview was on July 20, 2012 at 7am. He arrived at the consulate around 5.45am and immediately had to stand in line because tons of people were already waiting. I guess he waited for his turn to be called to the window and he said he was barely there for 5 mins. He got asked 3 questions;
-When did we get married
-How long have we known each other
-Has he traveled out the country before.

And after that, he was told he is approved and to pick up his visa next week. He didn't show additional phone records, chat, pictures, nothing.

Thank God for this website and people that reached out personally to help us during this process.

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Review #10038 on July 19, 2012:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

My Husbands interview, July 12, 2012, 7am. He arrived by 5:30am, was the first one there, but still had to wait. He said the interviews was amongst others in a open area. During the time of his wait, he was assisting others with children and the elderly...he said he could hear others being approved and denied and it scared him. He noticed there was this man observing him for a long time, but he didnt think nothing of it, but he was the same man that called his name to interview him.

As soon as he sat down the man said, "Tell me about your wife, (called me by name)", He said he spoke freely and open, he asked about my son and his age, asked him what he knew about my city or anything in it, and my husband replied, he had "Family" awaiting him...A Mother, (my mother) that calls me son and gave her name. My husband offered to show pics and the Agent said, No...You ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJA!!!!!!! NEVER SHOWED NOT 1PC OF EVIDENCE, though I sent in so much previous. He picks up his visa this week. Im saying dont gather your proof, by all means by prepared.

God is truly Good! We Couldnt have done this without His Strength, because this was hard. When you are pregnant with child for 9mo, you expect a result, but when you are waiting with expectation from the Embassy, you never know your fate, unless you are trusting in the Almighty God!

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Review #9976 on July 11, 2012:




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Review Topic: FB-5

my visa application was denied my petitioner

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Review #9921 on July 2, 2012:



· 5 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

So our interview was scheduled for today at 7am and we arrived at 545am.We waited in line untill 645 and then he was called inside.Today was a very cold and rainy day and i froze my butt off waiting on my hubby. he was called to window 16 at 940am. he was told to raise the right hand and swear in..blah blah...

CO:Who is your petitioner?
Hubby: my wife blahhh
Co:When you get married?
Hubby:so and so date
CO:How you guys meet?
Hubby:through mutual friends
CO:Tell me more?
Hubby? me and my friend were talking on the phone and i was introduced to her that way..
CO:So you asked her if she single on first phone call?
Hubby: well yes i did
CO:okay i see
CO:Have either one of you guys ever been married before?
CO:Do we have kids together?
Hubby:no but she has a child she recently adopted that i plan to adopt
Co:Have you met her child?
Hubby:yes here are the pictures of them visiting 2months ago
(she looks through them and says oh he looks like you guys)
Hubby:oh well here is the adoption decree and the birth certificate(hands over documents)
CO:So you guys changed his name?
CO: Who gave him his name?
Hubby:I gave his first name and my wife gave middle name
What was his previous name before he was adopted?(the original name was on adopt decree)
Hubby:his name was so and so
CO:What does your wife do for a living?
Hubby:so and so
CO:Do you have interest in the same thing she does?
Hubby:no im into computers(engineer)
CO:What about cultural differences? since she from US?
Hubby:We are fine with our differences we compromise
CO:what do you guys have in common?
Hubby: dancing, love and strong family ties
CO:What kind of music she likes and dance to?
Hubby:She loves nigerian music especially Wizkid(my husband started singing)
CO:Does your parents like her?
Hubby:Well yes of course(hubby hands over pics of me and his mom together)
CO:oh wow your mother must love her (she saw pics of mom giving me native clothes)
CO:Have your wife met your friends and family before? yes (hands over more recent evidence)
CO:Does anyone live with your life at home?
HUBBY: yes so and so(he gave names)
CO:wow thats alot does she have help?
Hubby: Yes her sister helps
CO:How many times have she visit?
Hubby: Four times and so and so date...she is outside now
CO: Is your son with her outside?
Hubby:no maam
CO:Have you met her son before? Co asked this question twice
Hubby:yes i have you asked me that before(with a smile on his face)
CO:How do you guys communicate?
Hubby:skpe,email,and phone(HUBBY HANDS OVER MAY AND JUNE phonecalls,emails and skype)
CO: you guys talk for 1min alot why is that?
Hubby:Sometimes we just like to hear each other voices and its less expensive if she calls me.
CO:oh okay sounds right
CO:You have more evidence to show me?
Hubby: yes here is my wife passport
CO: thanks visa approved pick it up in one week!

My husband said when he walked up to the window he had already seen his application was approved because there was a pink slip marked with approved.He also mentioned their minds are basically made up already and that the front loading of our petition really helped. He says remainn calm and confident and and its good to hit them with evidence when they ask a question.for example when they ask oh have u met her son he showed them pics....when they asked does your family like her he then showed family pics....she was nice and gave plenty of time for you to answer questions...he said they basically want you to proove your petition is bonafide...he say their were alot of approvals today and only two denials!

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