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New Zealand US Consulate Reviews

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New Zealand US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.7 / 5
114 Review(s)
Auckland, New Zealand
Review #546 on May 5, 2006:




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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

The story, as told by Matt in an email:

I was 10 minutes early for the interview. The first hurdle was security. They went through everything, took my keys and cellphone off of me, and even made me
drink some of my water. Then I went into the next room which was like a fortified ticket booth. There must have been 10 or so windows, and there was a long line of chairs in the middle of the room. So it was like…

….*……*……*……* (* = window)


…………………………. (Wall)

The guard told me to take a seat, and you just wait for your name to be called out over the loud speaker. After a short wait my name was called, and I wandered up to the booth. The lady was so nice. The first thing she said was that I should calm down because there is absolutely no problem, and that since I have never been arrested, married, or overstayed it was perfectly fine. Then she told me about what we had to do, and what I would get. (Put all the paperwork in order, post the passport and sealed envelope out to me, and that I
needed to talk to someone else). She also said that she had been through our case, and that she probably knew more about me than I did!

The only thing she asked for was my passport, birth certificate, evidence of financial support, and the visa fee receipt. She made a copy of the birth certificate and kept the rest. Then I was sent to another window, where I talked to a guy from Tennessee while I waited. Shortly after I was called to another window where I had to raise my right hand and swear that what was in the forms was the truth. Then I had my index fingers scanned and was asked what my job involved. The guy then explained that my passport would be sent out in a few days, and that I was free to go!

Service....4.5/5. The people were friendly and efficiant, but it was
annoying to go all that way for 20 minutes of waiting and 5 minutes of

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Auckland, New Zealand
Review #448 on March 2, 2006:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview at US Consulate in Auckland, New Zealand was a very pleasant experience. It was all complete within 20 minutes. The staff at the Consulate were helpful and very friendly.

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Auckland, New Zealand
Review #249 on November 17, 2005:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview went without issue. The interview only took about 20 minutes and my visa was approved.

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Wellington, New Zealand
Review #40 on July 11, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

Well now that I'm pretty much done with the NZ consulate now, I'm probably qualified to vote here .

I said "above average" because my experience AT the consulate (i.e. the interview appointment), as well as receiving forms and the visa in a timely manner were exceptionally good.
But what really lets the consulate down in my opinion is the difficulty it is to contact them to get much needed answers. The 0900 number is horrible, depending on who you're unlucky enough to talk to - most people don't really seem to know how to answer your questions properly. It also costs a lot and 99% of the time they put you on hold for a few minutes before someone will pick up. Although I really wanted to, I never tried to 'walk in' to the consulate to ask questions, but when I was there it looked like you would need an appointment to even get in.

Well thats my two cents . Read my post detailing my interivew and other parts of my DCF process here in NZ if you want more information about my experience with the consulate in Auckland:


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