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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #40

Wellington, New Zealand Review on July 11, 2005:



Review Topic: General Review

Well now that I'm pretty much done with the NZ consulate now, I'm probably qualified to vote here .

I said "above average" because my experience AT the consulate (i.e. the interview appointment), as well as receiving forms and the visa in a timely manner were exceptionally good.
But what really lets the consulate down in my opinion is the difficulty it is to contact them to get much needed answers. The 0900 number is horrible, depending on who you're unlucky enough to talk to - most people don't really seem to know how to answer your questions properly. It also costs a lot and 99% of the time they put you on hold for a few minutes before someone will pick up. Although I really wanted to, I never tried to 'walk in' to the consulate to ask questions, but when I was there it looked like you would need an appointment to even get in.

Well thats my two cents . Read my post detailing my interivew and other parts of my DCF process here in NZ if you want more information about my experience with the consulate in Auckland:


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