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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
454 Review(s)
Review #1025 on November 15, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

He waited 5 hours and 45 minutes to be interviewed. My fiance was only asked about 5 questions and was told that he would be contacted once his file is ready. Luckily he didnt have one of the ladies there who asked about 20 questions. From this web site I was encouraged to get an affidavit of support, tax papers, letter of intent, etc and send, but none of those items were asked for nor required. I think it is best to be ready and would gladly send all those items again.

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Review #1008 on November 9, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

was told they will call him in 2 months after processing in washington. for administrative review. many others who had a different lady got their visa the same day however we were not that lucky. the lady he had was not very pleasant and told him better to wait the 2 months for processing than to be denied the visa totally.

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Review #988 on November 2, 2006:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

iam still waiting that procce that done sonn,insha'allah

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Review #987 on November 2, 2006:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

iamstill waitin,g together with my sweetheart

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Review #937 on October 17, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They asked my fiancé tons of questions and he was there for about one hour. HE said that he felt like she wanted to deny him and she would ask the same questions in a different way. I am in the military and there is no way to leave the US until 2010. Because I swear I would have done so a long time ago. She asked about my son, I think he gave good answers, and she asked him why marry an American and why not a Moroccan. He told her he loved me and that we had a lot in common. She asked what do you have in common, she asked him what was my favorite food? This lady I swear if I ever come across her I will deal with her. I am not sure if me being there would have helped. He said that he felt like she wanted to deny him when he first walked up to the window. In the end the she told him that we had not known each other for a long time and that how does he know I wear hijab. This embassy and the people that work there are garbage. I do not understand how she could find nothing but this stupid a$$ remark. She went to the bottom of the trash can to get one. We are both Muslim, go to college, work in accounting, he is 4 years older than me, but we meet though a family member and also we had not been together long. Which boils my blood because you mean to tell me that if I meet him on the internet if would be different or if we could change sexes it would be different, they have ruined everything. I do not know if I have the spirit to continue, I want a husband not someone that I feel like I will never see again. Why do you think this went so fast, because I told him we need to do this and that because I want a husband. If anything I am the one that pushed the envelope. I have called and of course please email, blah blah. I really think because I am African-American they turned us down. I have seen to many sisters get denied. I am just extremely shocked because I am in the service and they turned me down. As far as time the application and everything was approved very fast and we always thought it would take a long time I was excepting it to get some noticed in December, would this have made a difference? They do not even get a number as far as I am concerned I hate them and they have truely made a mess of my life.

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