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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
455 Review(s)
Review #1079 on December 5, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

hello friends!
my interview was short and easy.the consular officer asked who my petitioner was.she asked when and where we met.she checked some of our photos,that's all.but she told me two more documents before my visa could be issued.i asked her what i had to tell to my fiancee,she told me to tell her that my interview was successful.

good luck to everyone.

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Review #1053 on November 28, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

He was interviewed by the black woman. He said first they had the tourist and student visas then the immigration lottery people and then the k1s at the end. He was the very last one. He said the women that were interviewing were very nice...even the blond. He was intervied by the black lady.
She asked him the following questions:

whats you fiance's name?
talk about her
where does she live?
where do her parents live?
did you have an engagement party?
let me see the pictures.....he just handed her the photo album and she looked at all the pictures.
when did you meet her?
does she have a daughter?
how old is her daughter?
was she married when you met her?
she asked for emails and read them
he offered her the phone bills and she told him wait and then never looked at them

then she told him to bring that court paper sigill al3adly any afternoon and they will do the name check in washington and call him after a few days. Hassan said that everybody was surprised by having to get that court paper, so it must be something new.

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Review #1038 on November 19, 2006:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

hi everyone, this website was of great help to me and my baby to have a smooth journey...thus, i am taking the time to write about our interview experience...my baby went to the interview at 0700 and was out by 0930, she was interviewed by the asian female, the questions were simple, her knowledge about my life, our relationship, how we met? ... she did not look at any of the documents i sent except the pictures. ...... however, the medical exam report was not forward to the consulate on time.so, they asked her to provide them with her phone number and after 3 days they called her to come and retrieve her visa.
the only advice that i can give to everyone is "the more complete your F-129 file the easier the interview will be for your fiance e"....ohh and couples must speak a common language inorder for the CO to believe the facts....
good luck to everyone and may allah helps us all live a peacefull and happy life.....

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Review #1036 on November 19, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hicham's interview went well. I had read alot where the CO not looking at all evidence. I told hm to make sure they saw all evidence, he did. He got a piece of paper no explinaton. He thought he was refused was very sad and upset. If not for reading alot of other stories on the forum i would have thought was denial too. He explained to me and sent me copy of the paper. It was a 221G for "Administrative Processing". I have read this is good but would have felt alot better if the CO would have said more to him about it. She could have said your papers are fine just have to wait for security checks and how long that would take. He did say the lady was very nice so guess it went better then most interview.

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Review #1028 on November 16, 2006:

othman and lavon


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Review Topic: K3 Visa

OK here is what Othman told me yesterday about his interview. First he waited for 4 and a half hours for the interview. The CO started asking him questions in french but his french was not clear. So, he asked Othman "do you speak english" and he replied quickly "yes sir". The questions:

1. When did u meet her?
2. When did u meet in person? After Othman answered, the CO said "u met after a year that sounds good".
3. What is her work?
4. What is the name of the company? After Othman answered, the CO said "oh a good company".
5. What did she do before?
6. Does she have children?
7. What are their ages?
8. How old are you?
9. How old is your wife?
10. How long did she spend here?
11. CO asked about the cities we visited there.

He looked at the wedding photo album and he wanted to know why there was not many people there for our wedding. He told the CO only my little family. The CO then looked at the other photo album. Made a comment about a city we had visited. Also, when the Co gave our marriage paper back to him, he asked Othman is this the paper you were signing in the photo. Othman says the CO had a big smile. Also, whenever Othman answered questions the CO would look at the computer in front of him. Othman believes the decision was already made before he even had his interview. At the end of the interview the CO gave him a small green receipt and told him to "please come tomorrow at 3 pm to get your visa and we will keep the passport until you get it tomorrow". He was very surprised since he saw too many refusals and pending visas. He says the two ladies were so ugly. One lady was the asian lady and the other was the "evil blond". He believes the CO knew what he was going to tell each one at the interview. Thank God that Othman had the male CO.

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