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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
455 Review(s)
Review #1720 on June 19, 2007:



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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

My husband has had two interviews with the Consulates office in Casablanca. Both interviews that he had, he had the really mean woman that many have spoken of on this board. The first time, she didn't even look at his file and gave him a piece of paper that at first we thought they had denied his application. It was a form requesting more documents. In between the year that we have been waiting for his actual waiver interview, we did go (without an appointment) to try and get information on why his file was under Additional Administrative Processing and what was taking so long. We could only go to the window outside and they refused to give us any information and the guards were not nice at all.

My husband just had his second interview on 4/12/07. He had the very same lady and she was very nice! She actually commented on how cute our son is. She did ask:
*What would my husband do for employment if granted the waiver?
*What would we do if he was deni... read complete review

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Review #1623 on May 22, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

CO focused on my previous marriage to a Moroccan (did not petition for him; just did AOS) and my deceased son Only 4 questions about us/our relationship. Did not look at any evidence, but did approve our case, which is I guess what matters most. I have only heard of one CO at Morocco who is even close to resembling nice, and she wasn't it.

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Review #1492 on April 12, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everybody has heard all the horror stories in dealing with CASA but happy to say we can't add to them...The interview was very smooth...My SO was interviewed by the infamous "blonde lady"..he said that she was very nice..Some quesions that were asked were:
1. How did you meet
2. Who does she live with
3. When and where will you marry ie;in a church?
4. Where will you live when you get there
5. What are her sisters names
6. She asked questions about the website we met on ie;was he on there to meet women, did he have relationship w/other women online
7. She also asked why I didn't come this month to visit him
8. How many weeks vacation I get per year
9. Where he met me in Morocco when I came
10. She asked how we communicate, which is when he showed her the emails and chat logs..which she looked at for about 1 min
She never asked for any pics and only looked at the the emails and covos as proof..The whole inter... read complete review

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Review #1490 on April 12, 2007:

Marry American


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance's interview was April 4, 2007. He was one of three men there on that day applying for a fiance visa to America. He was the last of the three to be interviewed by the young blond woman. She asked him several questions, over 30.

1. My name
2. My job
3. When we met
4. Where we met
5. If I have kids
6. Why he wants to marry me
7. Asked my ex's name
8. Asked how was I able to first time and then two months later.
9. What was the reason for my second visit.
10. Visit dates
11. Length of visits
12. My divorce date
13. His divorce date
14. Our engagement ceremony
15. Are we engaged
16. When we got engaged
17. Where we got engaged
18. Asked about our rings
19. Ask about his job
20. Who I live with
21. About his prior visas

There were several other personal questions she asked pertaining to our situation. She really d... read complete review

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Review #1479 on April 9, 2007:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

we are in the fighting process I guess you can say.

My husband chose to speak part arabic and part english, so he was told it was impossible for us to have a valid relationship - I have been living in Morocco with my husband for seven months, but that was not proof enough, but then again we were not even given a chance to provide that proof to them. My husband answered all of the basic questions, what is your wife's name, when did you meet, how did you meet, etc. - very simple basic questions. I have tried repeatedly to speak with the Consulate in Casablanca, but have been refused access to anyone. I have been lied to over several messages from the Consulate in regards to our papers and there supposed return to the states. I have filed many contacts from the Senators all the way to the Ambassador of the US Consulate in Casablanca. I am still waiting for action on something this Consulate is good for - not following proper regulations and procedures in VISA interview... read complete review

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