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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
455 Review(s)
Review #2495 on February 20, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview was on oct.15th at 8am. They called me the same day and ask if i my fiance and i could come back to casa so they could interview me. My interview was at 10am on the 16th oct. She ask me the same questions they asked iliass. When she was done she ask iliass to come back to the window, she said yes you have past . And gave him the paper, and told hom that they would call him in a week to come in and bring his pastport that was 4 months we are still waitting.

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Review #2460 on February 12, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had problems because of the stupid bombers which extended the process another 2 more months. But as soon as they reopened the consulate Zakaria was notified of his interview date and it was within 3 days. When he did the interview because we were so prepared it only tok like 5 mins with just about 10 questions asked. He said she was a sweet girl oohhh and awwed at the pics. I believe it was 3 days later he got his papers but he had a problem with them again as far as they told him to come back the next day because they were too busy to get his papers so he had to check into a hotel with one of his friends and wait until the morning to get to it. But within 2 weeks he was here YEA!!!

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Review #2418 on February 2, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance' got his visa on Jan. 30, 2008. it took jsut over 6 months from his interview to get his visa.

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Review #2413 on February 1, 2008:

mr richie

Mr richie


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello my name is Richie,im from chicago and my fiancee is from casa(morocco)....she had her interview on the 31 of january(2008)...she was very much prepared, she had more then enough of what she was asked to bring. She informed me that the interview appeared to go very well, at the end of the interview the officer and or interviewer asked her for more proof of communication.....now take into consideration i sent her all of the phone records(at&t) i sent her all the messenger conversation, from september of (2007) to present, and she had all of what was asked for her to bring, i am just a little confused...the lady who gave interview told my fiancee that everything went well, and for her to bring e-mails that she sent me to embassy on monday(feb3) 2008, and that they will call her, my question to you(someone) do my fiancee and i have anything to worry about, or is this just procedures?..on the 221g form it says that they could'nt give her visa because of lack of documents, can someone ... read complete review

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Review #2376 on January 22, 2008:

love my Nour

Love my Nour


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Review Topic: Other Experience

My fiance had his first interview Sept 13th in Casa, got the 221g form, stating papers going back to USCIS. They never went back, got a call for another interview for Jan. 15th. Was told to bring proof of our relationship. He did, got another 221g Form...for some reason they needed proof of being single from his hometown, which he has been gone from for 8 years. Now if you look up what do get for K-1 visa, it says bring proof of being single. It does not state from everywhere you have lived (if you moved). For police record, it states everywhere you have lived since you were 16. But not for being single.... so why does he need that from his hometown? He had one from where he lives now. What he they don't have records that far back? Then What? No visa. COME ON NOW Casa.......gee

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