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Moldova US Consulate Reviews

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Moldova US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
33 Review(s)
Chisinau, Moldova
Review #10086 on July 27, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Notes from our experience with the Moldova Embassy -

1) They are extremely helpful and work very diligently. I went into the embassy once to ask them questions about the engagement ring and if it was required. They answered my question within 10 minutes of being inside the embassy. For my fiancee's interview, she was in and out of the embassy in an hour (I think it was actually 30-45 mins at most). The staff is great.

2) They took our Packet #3 a day before the NVC package came in the mail. My fiancee was traveling through Chisinau and they allowed us to do this. Again very helpful. Saved her an extra trip!

3) We had some problems getting an appointment scheduled. We emailed them but did not get a quick response. I would suggest physically going to the embassy and asking for an appt after the medical exam if you live close.

4) Questions from interview:
1) What my parents do for a living
2) Where I live? Where do my parents live? Has she met my parents? Has she seen them on skype?
3) A few misc questions about skype convos
4) How did we meet?
5) A few questions about the engagement ring, which my fiancee doesn't have one yet and we are buying one in the states when she comes (she is going to help pick it out)
6) Do I speak any Romanian?
7) Will her parents come to our wedding? Will her sisters or brothers?
8) When do we usually talk (time difference, etc.)

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Review #9749 on May 30, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The staff at the Embassy have been amazingly friendly and helpful. My fiancee, Svetlana, arrived on time with her son and was let into the waiting room. First she was called to the window to present her medical folder and the documentation that was requested in the email sent by the embassy.

After about a 10 min wait she was called to window #3. Svetlana told me that the interviewing consular was very polite and friendly which helped immensely to relieve her fears and stress. After greeting Svetlana and happily stating "so you are going to get married" with a big smile....these are the questions that were asked: How did you meet?, Does your fiance (me) speak Russian or Romanian?, What are our plans for marriage?, Do you have another son?, How old is he?, Is he coming to the U.S. with you? What does he do? Is he coming to the wedding?

At this point he brought out a piece of paper the he said had something written in Romanian and in Russian. He asked Svetlana if she was ready for this and for her to carefully read what it says. Basically it said that she promised to marry within 90 days of entry to the U.S.

While she was reading, the consular spoke with her son, Daniel, asking him a few questions. Have you ever been to the U.S.? Has your brother been to the U.S.? What will you do in the U.S. (talking about school)? Do you have any relatives in the U.S.? Have you ever met Chris (me)? What did you do with him?

All of the questioning was done in a very friendly conversational manner and the whole process took no more than 15 min.

The consular asked Svetlana to raise her right hand and swear to follow what was stated on that piece of paper she read. Somewhere in this whole process they were both fingerprinted.

Couple of other things....We met on a Christian dating site and when Svetlana told the consular this, he asked for the web address and proceeded to look it up online and ask her a few questions about it.

As several other have stated, she brought backup copies of everything and even some extra supporting evidence and none of it was requested.

Keep this in mind...This is not only a knowledge test of what was submitted in the packet and how well you know each other, but it is also a psychological exam, testing the legitimacy of the relationship.

I know I jumped around a bit but I wanted to get it all down while it was still fresh in my mind.

I hope this helps you all.....it could not have been a better experience for us....Thank you Alina and the rest of the helpful staff of the Chisinau Embassy.

Chris & Svetlana

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Chisinau, Moldova
Review #9733 on May 28, 2012:

Ron & Nina

Ron & Nina


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was quick with no issue

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Chisinau, Moldova
Review #8647 on November 4, 2011:




· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: General Review

The people in the consulate could not have been nicer. They helped with all the paperwork and assisted in two problems we had. First, the medical clinic who does the examination incorrectly told Marina that she must wait until the embassy schedules her appointment. The woman at the embassy said that is incorrect. She told Marina to call them right now and tell them that Elena from the US embassy said to schedule her medical exam ASAP. Which they immediately did.

The second problem was when Marina tried to pay the local bank for the $350 visa fee. The bank employee said they did not do that type of work. Marina called the embassy from the bank. The woman from the embassy spoke directly with the bank employee and the transaction was completed.

The interview was requested in Russian as Marina does not speak English well. The interviewer was a woman who spoke perfect Russian and English. The questions were not difficult to answer. Mostly about family, marriage plans, and some questions about my work in the US. The difficult part for my fiancee was that the interviewer asked these questions in rapid succession. Also, she asked some of the same questions again, later in the interview. It lasted about 15 minutes and Marina was told everything was OK for her to pick up the visa the next day.

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Chisinau, Moldova
Review #8555 on October 21, 2011:




· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

When my wife arrived at the embassy, they took her medical envelope and her passport and told her to wait for her name to be called. They called her to window #2, 20 minutes later and she raised her hand promising to tell the truth. The inverviewing officer appeared to look japanese, and my wife said she was very attractive. She asked her how we met, the name of the lady in some of my paperwork (mother) What made us decide to get married, when did we get married, dates of the trips I have made, what I did for a living, and how she feels about moving to another country. They told her that the interview is over and that everything is ok. She took her fingerprints and told her to come back in a couple days to pick up her passport with her visa. None of the evidence that She took with her was asked about or looked at. (bring it anyway) I'll also mention that I could have easily completed this whole process in six months had I not fell out of step with NVC.

(updated on October 21, 2011)

(updated on October 23, 2011)

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