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Mexico US Consulate Reviews

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Mexico US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
572 Review(s)
Juarez, Mexico
Review #6309 on July 8, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband got to Juarez on Thursday night to do the medical on Friday. He stayed at La Quinta. He got to the clinic at 6:30am. He got a bar code, was sent to draw blood, the vision exam, the room where they look for tatoos, piercings, and operations, the X-ray and the vaccines. He did not get sent to do a urine sample or any extra tests. That took about two hours, and he went to pick up the results at 2pm.

On Tuesday, he went for his interview at 9:00am. They had him turn in papers - only his and my birth certificates and his passport, and then he had his fingerprints taken and he paid for the visa. At about 5pm, he finally got his interview. He said about 9 out of 10 people got a blue slip or had to bring more documents and did not go to DHL, and only about 1 out of 10 went to DHL. The consulate was friendly and joked with him. She asked:
How we met, what we were both doing in the place we met,
where we got married, how many people came to our wedding, w... read complete review

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Review #6304 on July 7, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #6297 on July 3, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Medical examination was ok. my husband was checked by a female doctor. I thought that guys always get male docs apparently not. He went early in the morning, He didnt have to wait in line that long. Was asked to present appointment letter, they took blood, and gave some vaccination, was made to strip, got a physical done, paid with credit card etc. nothing out of the ordinary, got results in late afternoon in a sealed package.

NExt day was his interview, nice consul, was asked to provide extra marriage ceremony pics, consul kept asking him tricky questions such as "oh so you got married in the states? oh so you guys met in the state? " and he kept nicely correcting her and letting her know that we met and got married in mexico. be aware of this during your interview, if not clear ask them to clarify or repeat before you answer. interview process 11 am til 3:30 pm all in all.

sorry for the telegram like review hurt my hand badly at work today.

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #6264 on June 25, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband was DENIED!!
He is not able to recieve visa
He was band for LIFE!! They told him it was because when he was younger that he claimed he was a U.S. citizen and that this is false representation and a band for life!
What are Me and my family going to do Now??
Its not fair!!! This happened because of his exwife forcing him to lie so they could cross together.
I'm so MAD

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #6242 on June 19, 2010:

Ralph of Kansas

Ralph of Kansas


· 5 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife had her medical exam on Monday 31 May at one of the two approved clinics just a block away from our new consulate general bldg. Then we had her interview the next day. Go to the medical clinic and the consulate as early as you can, there was a large crowd when we arrived at both places before 6:00 a.m. Whatever you do, do NOT lose the number ticket you receive when you start waiting for processing at the consulate or you will have to come back the next day. STRONGLY SUGGEST that everyone bring all supporting documents, letters, cards, MoneyGram receipts, long distance \'phone cards, photos, wedding albums, bills, lease contracts, health care powers of attorney (showing your spouse as one of your health care agents in case of emergency), extra certified copies of BOTH spouses\' birth certificates, marriage certificate, etc. that you can. We carried in a gym bag with at least 30 lbs. of documents, just in case. Guess what our interviewing consular officer needed to see (aft... read complete review

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