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Malaysia US Consulate Reviews

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Malaysia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
81 Review(s)
Review #39 on May 17, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

I used the Embassy in Kuala Lumpur for DCF. The embassy is in a nice part of KL a short distance from the twin towers, pretty centraly located. There is a security gate out front where you go to a window and advise what you need. If you are a US citizen they let you straight in. You get screened at the gate house just like at an airport. You then walk up a sidewalk and a few steps into the consulate. There you are screened again. They will take your watch and cell phone of course, but give it back. You then go into the consulate which is on your right. There are 5 windows and you go to the window and advise what you need. You then sit down and wait for your name to be called. You pay at window 5. If you are getting a VISA it will either be issued the day of, or the next day. When you leave you stop by the security desk and pick up your watch or cell phone. You have to leave your backpack, luggage at the gate house and you are given a numbered metal disk to give them as you leave and you get your stuff back. The staff there was professional and business friendly. If you are prepared and have your documents in order there should not be any problems. All in all a good embassy, they take about 2 days to respond to E-mails and they do answer phone calls during the specific time listed on the embassy website.

I filed DCF and it took about 6 weeks to get the VISA. I would give them 4 stars.

Scott & Irene

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