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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #9727 on May 26, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband Dexter embassy Interview:

My interview was 7:30 Am this morning i got at the embassy 6:40Am and i showed my letter to one of the embassy personnel and they told me to stand at the front of the line before i went to the metal detector they told me to take off my belt,watch.. after that i was in the court yard waiting to go inside after about 10 mins they called me to go in and join the line an there i got a number and was told to go inside to the right and have seat where i had to wait for about two hours to be finger printed and give them my medical after that i was informed to have a seat an wait for my number to be called once again it took them maybe 3 or more hours to call my number but that didn't bother me mean time I'm waiting I'm listing to the questions that are being asked at the windows: one lady was asked how many times per day does she talk about sex with her husband i was in shock about that question but i was praying in my mind and asking God to grant me favor so i can be with my beautiful wife an step kids and out of nowhere they called my number and the immigration officer greeted me by saying are you ready to be with your wife and step kids and i replied by saying yes i am and she gave me my DS230 to sign and she made me take an oath to answer all the questions on the form to the best of my knowledge without lying and i said yes miss she really didn't ask much but I'm going to list the few that she asked, she asked me questions like:

where did i meet my wife? (and i told her face book and she smiled and ask me to tell her about it and i told her)
how many kids do she have?
how old are her kids?
was your wife married before this marriage?
what's my wife's age?
what your wife ex-husband name?
why did they get a divorce?
do you have pictures let me see them? (I showed her the wedding album)
do you have anymore pictures that i can look at?
and one last question where do your wife work and what do she do?

(So I start to explain to her what she do and giving her the details of it she said okay you can stop now i have heard enough)

And she also look at my phone records when the immigration officer was done she signed a paper and told me to go pay the DHL fee. I said thank you very much and was smiling from ear to ear

I just want to say put God 1st and keep him in your hearts at all time I'm hoping that this maybe a blessing to someone else.


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Review #9705 on May 21, 2012:

A & K 42


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

So, I arrived to the embassy a little after 7am for my 8 am appointment. The lady outside took the DS 156,156K,157 and stapled my visa fee receipts to a set and passport size photos to each set of forms.I went through security and into the courtyard where I sat down until they told a row of people to go in. I went in and they were two other persons checking the same documents and they gave me a yellow slip to fill in passport number for the courier purpose. They gave me a number A121, and said I must sit to the right (Immigrant visa section), The seats were almost all full but I got one. They started calling people to submit documents at window 5 and 6.When it came to my number I went to counter 5 and submit my documents. I did finger prints and the lady asked if it was the first marriage for both of us (Yes), if I had ever been to the US before or outside of the country (No for both). She organise the documents and told me to listen for my name or look out for my number. I went to sit back down.After maybe an hour, when almost everyone had gone it was like 5 of us left. The consular called my name (it was an African-american lady), I hoping to get her because she was actually using the phone. She swore me in and verified it was me with the finger scanner. She said pick up the phone. She was very stern in her questioning and very intimidating, but I answered all the questions honestly. She left halfway through the interview ( I guess to verify something I had answered). I was so nervous at that point when I saw her leave and was taking so long to get back,almost worried. She came and ask me more questions and then she told me that I have 90 days to get married when I after I entered the US( which by this point made me realise she was going to approve us) then she asked for photos. I gave her the photos and she looked at them.I told her I had emails and phone bills, and she said she didn't need(I assumed she was already convinced and her mind was made up) She entered stuff into her computer and gave me back the photos. She asked for my passport and stapled a ticket to it and gave me half of the ticket and said to go and pay DHL and I said that's it? Then she said yea, your visa has been issued, I said thank you and she said you are welcome and that is the first time I saw a smile. I went out to the courtyard and paid dhl and left. Overall it was much better than I expected. These are the questions she asked (in no particular order because I don't really remember the order).

Where did he stay when he was here?
what does his parents do?
when did we meet?
where did we meet?
why was he in jamaica for so long?
why we couldn't have a relationship while he was in Jamaica the first time?
Are we both members of the same church?
who are these people in the picture?
has he brought his parents to meet you?

Those are the questions that I remember, there might be 1 or 2 more that escapes me right now.

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Review #9663 on May 12, 2012:




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Review Topic: General Review

(updated on November 8, 2012)

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Review #9642 on May 9, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Ryan said he went to the window when called up by number. Two guys were there interviewing him at the same time kind of he said, a white man and black man.
I don't know if one was a supervisor or training. The white man read the "how we met" letter that I wrote to the black gentleman. The black guy asked some questions off of the "how we met" paper I wrote to Ryan. This moment the white man walked off then later came back. My fiance said once or twice he didn't understand what he was asking. So the white man asked the black guy to talk slower and explain it differently.

These are some of the questions I got out of my fiance, not in order...
How did you meet your fiance?
How do you know her friend?
Who are the other people in the picture that he put up at the window?
What kind of job does your fiance do?
Does she have any kids?
Whats her son name?
What are your plans on getting married? She wants to get married in her own country...He laughed and shook his head.
Do you love your fiance?
Did you ever have sex with your fiance? He didn't say nothing at first lol...so the man said, come man you a big man answer the question and smiled.
Why do you want to come to America?
What if you miss Jamaica and don't want to live in a America anymore?
Where does Shawna live?
Where does her mother and father live? He didn't know this one.
When did you meet her?
When was the last you seen her?
All these questions were no surprise to him, I read the letter of how we met several times to him and asked him several questions I got off the reviews other people wrote.
I gave my fiance 5 more new photos to bring to the interview...they already had 5 that I submitted with the I-129. He said they took 4 of them that he brought. Most of the paperwork they took. He said they left call logs and digicel reciepts. Then the man looks at the papers and said alright your paperwork looks good now sign your name and go to the window to pay the fee.
Since he lives in the country they asked do you want to pick up your visa in Mobay or Kingston...he said Kingston.
They told him, Visa will be ready to pick up in 3 days.

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Review #9620 on May 6, 2012:

One Love Jamaica


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Ok so here are the details. His interview appointment was at 9:30. We left where we were staying on Barbican road at 8:30, thinking we might hit traffic. We hit minimal traffic and were in front of the embassy by 8:50. There was already a line of people outside. Last night, Cordel's cousin who lives in Kingston did a dry run from our place to the embassy and showed us where to park, etc. So since Cordel has his friends car through Saturday, we drove there and parked on the street fairly close to the embassy. Some guy came over and said we had to pay him 300JA to watch the car, Cordel was like uuuhhhh no....lol He kept trying to haggle us but Cordel was basically like get lost we are good. Cordel's cousin had already told us we could park there if there were spots and not to let those guys trouble us. Ok, so then we sit in the car for about 15 minutes, we pray together, then I start to cry and he gets tears in his eyes a little and says he is nervous. I tell him he's got it, be confident and let's get this approval. So we get on line, it's about 9:10. Guy in purple shirt walking up and down line telling people have their documents out and appointment letter. Then he comes up to me and asks who Im filing for and what type of VISA and asks what time. Then directs us to the front of the line. Not sure how we bypassed line, but it was good. Lady at the front asks for all his DS forms and his passport photos and she starts attaching photos to the forms and she checks over them. Then they send us in. We already knew no cell phones, no cameras, belts, etc. So we went right through security. I snuck through with a granola bar!! So then we both go in through the glass doors and get on the line in that lobby area where the lady checks paperwork. I waited on the line with him till he got to the front and then once he went through the VISA door on the left I went back outside to the courtyard and sat in the back next to the snack bar in the shade. At that point in when I realized I forgot to sign the I-134. So I go to the security guard and tell him and he tells me to go back inside and tell the lady at the desk my concern. So i go back in and lobby is full and I get to end of line. It's taking forever then I see Cordel walking up to the window, and I started to panic. So I get off line, cut everyone and tell the lady what happened. She told me I couldn't go inside and neither could she call him but that they would give him an opportunity to come outside and have me sign it. Then I remembered the bathroom trick. So I went to the bathroom and peeked around the corner and managed to get his attention to come to the bathroom. I told him I think I forgot to sign I-134 and he said yea he knew, when he went to turn in his documents, lady told him. So he had an extra copy in the binder and I signed it by the bathroom. Good thing I brought a pen!
So from the time he went in, which was 9:30, the whole thing took about 4 hours. He said that first the lady took all his paperwork. She didn't even specify what docs, just said let me have your paperwork, so he gave them everything except evidence. She gave him back I-129 and kept everything else. He said there were 3 people doing interviews. It was the clean cut white dude with his hair gelled that you guys described in a previous post. Then a white lady who cordel said looked very American...whatever that means...lol And then a tall older gentleman with a belly, who looked kind of Indian. Cordel said he was a big man. I though he meant fat or tall but I guess big here in jamaica means old..lol Cordel said he wanted the white guy. He said he watched the older guy deny the person before him. Cordel said that he observed the whole time and he said they already know if you are approved before you get to the window cuz the slips are already filled out. Cordel said he saw blue and green slips before people even got to the window. So Cordel said when he got to his window he saw a yellow slip with his paperwork. I have do idea what a yellow slip means. Then he said the man gave him a notice about registering for secret service between ages of 18 and 25, before he even asked him any questions. He said after he got that slip he had a feeling he was going to be approved. At first he was nervous but he said guy was nice and made him feel comfortable. Asked him how we met, where and how he approached me. He also asked what kind of job I did, and when Cordel said teacher he asked what age kids did I teach. Cordel said 4-6. He meant grades 4-6 but the guy took it as ages 4-6 so he was like Ok childcare? Cordel didn't get that and said yes. He was lucky that didn't get him in trouble!!. But aside from that, the only evidence he asked for were pictures. Thats it. Nothing else. So then the guy says to Cordel, everything looks good but you are going to need a co-sponsor. He also asked for my bank statements. So Cordel was like I have something here. And at that point he gave my co-sponsor paperwork. Then the guy looked it over and then gave him a little white ticket and told him to go pay DHL fee outside! That was it as per Cordel. He said the whole interview took maybe 10 minutes. Most of the time was spent waiting after lady took his paperwork in the beginning. He said he was the second to last person in there for interview. He came outside and didnt smile, didnt walk over to me, just motioned for me to come and walk. I got nervous that he had bad news. Then he was like babe I didn't get through, but he was kind smirking. I was like you are lying!! I don't believe you. Then he was like I got approved. And I gave him a big hug and kiss. We payed DHL fee and he made arrangements to pick it up at DHL in Montego Bay. Lady said 7 days and up for it. Then when we got to the car, the haggler guy came over and tried again to get some money from us, as though he did something for us, but that wasn't happening..lol Then I picked Cordel's brain in the car, cuz he didn't say much at first. Then I managed to get the details from him. I texted Danna and Aishah from the car to pass the word along and then came home and got on facebook to tell you guys! And that's my interview report for Thursday May 3, 2012! ♥

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