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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #10249 on August 23, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Thank you GOD!!!! my hubby went for interview at 7:30 and was checked in by 8.....fingerprints were taken as well as documents it also turned out that our original joint sponsor was very much eligible so the embassy actually made a mistake when they said she wasnt lol.........he said the IO was a friendly middle aged white guy and they basically had a conversation about everything except for wht they were suppose to be talking about LOL!! he asked to see our wedding pics and complimented on my dress then asked hubby how we met and why i wasnt at the interview with hi, hubby told him i am pregnant and the IO gave him a huge smile and said ok and then he asked about the people in our wedding pics. that was it he was out of there by 9:30....bless be to God. Thank you to my vj frends who helped me along the way i will continue to pray for you guys as u get to this point as well.

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Review #10243 on August 23, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance and his son went to the interview on July 28. Just as previous people listed, his arrival and checkin at the embassy was typical. When he went in they did request ALL the documentation that was required on the checklist. Once he was called up for the interview, he said that his interviewer asked him some the following questions: Where did we meet? What is my full name? When was the last time I visited? Did he think that I was safe there? Did I have any children? What was my profession and how long had I been doing my job? There were other questions but those were the ones that he could remember.

At this time he thought that he was good to go until they gave him a blue sheet and requested that he get a DNA test for him and his son. His son's birth certificate had been amended and that is why they requested paternity. We were ok about that because he was told that it would only take a day. The sad apart this part of the process is that we found out th... read complete review

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Review #10230 on August 20, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our process was littl defferent, because I am 9 months pregnant I contact NVC to get them to expedit our paper work so my fiance could be with me in time to see his son being born. They approved my expedit (thank God) and my fiance did his medical, police record and interview all in the same week. He did his medical and police record on tuesday and had his interview Friday, August 17. I was so worried prior to the interview because during his interview with his medical doctor my fiance confess to smoking before. He admiting this I taugh he would not get approve. I taught his honesty in the pass would have hurt him at interview. I could not sleep or eat that night. Worring that he would not get approved. Here goes...he arrived at 9:00 am and the routine stuff. He gave the the co his paper work. The CO asked him a few questions:
How do you know your fiance?
HOw long have you been dating?
What does your fiance do for a living?
How many kids does your fiance ha... read complete review

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Review #10153 on August 9, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

So my fiance, my air, my heart, my love, went to the Embassy on 6-18-12. I couldn't be there with him but he told me they didn't take much of the documents I sent, (phone bills, divorce decree, ect.) He did tell me they asked him to write my name more than once. Any how he got a yellow slip, indicating he needed a joint sponsor. So we got one and turned it in and on 7-23-12 the embassy called him and told him he was approved and to come in the following Monday to pay the DHL fee. I screamed out for joy...I felt like a million bucks, but then they called him on 8-2-12 and told him he neded to submit the I134 form that I filled out, so he did that on 8-7-12. Now we don't know the status, and it's killing the both of us, we can't eat, sleep, or do anything not knowing. I did speak to someone and she said his Visa should be printed by this Friday and mailed. I hope so. I've been crying everyday because I miss him, goodness I've never longed for someone like this ever. I pray that he gets ... read complete review

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Review #10104 on July 31, 2012:



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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

Confused....waiver approved, but now they say it's in administrative review...when going through many phone options, and FINALLY getting a hold of someone, they tell you that this can take anywhere from weeks to months. I feel like no one has any REAL answers. So close, but so far

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