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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #208 on October 15, 2005:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our interview was October 7, 2005. The medical was not there so we had to return. We contacted the hospital and was told that it would be there when we returned. When we returned they could not see us on that day. We returned the next day and was approved for a visa. The officers were thorough and very knowledgeable about our case.

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Review #207 on October 13, 2005:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall I think our experience at the embassy was ok. They were fairly timely in answering emails and were helpful when you could actually reach them on the phone. Andre said that they were friendly and that he felt at ease with the people at the embassy. The actual CO that interviewed him the first time was cordial but not overly friendly. He was issued a 221g so he went back for a second interview about 2 months later. He got the same woman and he said that she remembered him and was all smiles and laughing and making jokes. He had to deal with a supervisor for a few minutes and she was a bit rough but overall professional. The embassy is not the most put together and they will tell you something different every time. We were asked for more proof of a relationship and then at the second interview they didn’t even want to look at it- and it was the same lady! If you are willing to run with the run around and jump through the hoops over and over you can make it through the process in one piece. Kingston is not organized but they are easy to work with. Just my two cents. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want more detailed info.

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Review #204 on October 12, 2005:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

A difficult review to write since so much of the process can be considered subjective. My husband believes that if you follow all the "rules" Kingston is an easy embassy to maneuver; i.e. do what is asked of you, bring whatever documents are required of you, hand them over when requested. Be organized and know what your documents are and where in your folder or binder they are.

He gave Kingston high praise for timely responses to inquiries and for courtesy of the staff once past security. As for the day of the interview he has nothing negative to say; they were admitted into to the embassy in a timely and orderly fashion. The waiting was not long (in and out in under 1 hour). The adminstrative staff was pretty much on the ball and reviewed the documents quickly but efficiently. The CO was polite and conducted the interview in thorough but professional manner. My husband gave Kingston a 5 out of 5. (I think because his visa was granted! ) PM me if you have any questions.

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Review #173 on September 21, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

Husband went alone to interview. He stated at first they did not have medical information but then it arrived. Had interview and interviewer was through and asked many questions about his spouse from information on documents. Then stated you must come to get your visa tomorrow. It was a long journey. I would tell you to tell the truth and all will be well.

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