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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #3987 on February 22, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our appointment was for 7:30am. We arrived at 6:30am and there was 2 lines forming. One line for "family"visas and the other for "visitors". The ladies in yellow shirt opened the doors at around 6:50am and SO had to have his passport, 2 passport pictures (his name signed at the back of each picure), and letter of appointment. We then went thru the security check and then to another building. Our number was 106 and we were told to sit on the right hand side. We waited for approx 20 mins and we were called to window # 7. The lady (very pleasant) asked SO " What's your wife name"? He told her and she said " you would be surprise that some do not know". Then D had to do his fingerprints. We were then told to have a seat and wait for our number to be called again. We sat for another 15 mins and we were called to window # 9. This lady was an african american lady (very nice). She asked me how many times I had been to JA. D answered 5 times and she was "wow". He signed his police reco... read complete review

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Review #3963 on February 18, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

His interview was at 7:30am. He got there around 6:30… nice and early. These 2 ladies started letting people in and asked for his passport, passport pictures and his interview letter. After they saw them, they had him go through a metal detector. The way he described it, it seemed familiar to the airport. So lucky for him, he’ll have a little bit of practice, lol. Anyway, after he finished there, they asked the people to form a line to get into the building. As they entered, he had to make sure his name, number and address in the back of the picture. (Make sure your SO has a pen w/ them as mine did not and he had to borrow) He was given the number A117 and a little yellow paper so he can write his name, address, passport number and phone number. He was told to go to the right. (Left was for visiting visas… which seemed to him to have more window than the filing side) He waited a while and was next called for his fingerprints. He was also asked for his medical and passport. The la... read complete review

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Review #3962 on February 18, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everything ran smoothly. The wait time was the only thing that seemed extreme, but it was so worth the wait!!

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Review #3873 on January 30, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I parked the car on the curb with these 2 guys having traffic stopped (NOTE: If you keep driving and turn around so the embassy is on your left - there is a big gated parking area there.)

There is a long line outside the embassy so I ran up to a security guard and asked where do we go for an immigrant visa interview. He points me to the ladies with the yellow shirts just outside the door. A’s still moving on JA time so I am dragging him up the sidewalk. While I’m talking to the yellow shirt ladies this guy is chirping in my ear about so cell phones, no cameras, no lotions, no water....I turn and said I know - thank you! Yellow shirt lady tells us to wait and she goes inside. She comes back out and said they have now closed those appointments - where did we come from. My mouth drops open so my SO said I came from Hanover - she came from New York. I said I understand we are late but we had a flat tire. She said go ahead.

We go through security with no t... read complete review

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Review #3836 on January 23, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa


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