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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #4445 on May 23, 2009:

sweet candy

Sweet candy


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Review Topic: Other Experience

i was born in jamaica but i was rasied up in new york. i went to school here but i don't know nothing about myself. my grandmother rasied me from a baby and died last year january right after i found out that my social security number was fake. now i am strugling to find out what name she brought me up here on and when i got here and what statis i have in the u.s.a. i really need help so i can know what to do and were to go from here

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Review #4377 on May 14, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

So i just got a review of the days event from my hubby.

He got there at 8 for a 9am interview

When he got in only two people were doing the interviews..... a lady and a guy.

He said that the lady finished about 30 interviews before the guy finished 2 because he was going through everything that the people infront of him brought in plus he still gave them blue sheets...

Then another lady showed up and things started to flow faster. He said he was praying that the guy didnt call him....

He said a lot of people got turn down because enough money wasnt being made for AOS so they were told to get a co sponser.....

Lots of fiance visa got Blue sheet, they were either missing info, didnt bring enough evidence, no pictures or when it seems like the age difference was a big number... And they wanted to see the SO

A lady replaced the guy and thats who called him... He didnt do his intervi... read complete review

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Review #4123 on March 24, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We got there about 8:55 for our 9:00 appointment. We went right up to the front of the line the woman checked out paper work and put it in order and in we went through the metal detectors. When we were in the courtyard there is another woman who gives you the yellow piece of paper that you write your passport number on for DHL.

We go in check in and get out number A151 so we go into section A and it is crowded we go and stand along the wall with the counter and just check out what is going on for a while. Finally our number is called and we go to window 6. The lady takes all our paperwork and tells me that I am very organized and I responded well I have been waiting for this day for along time. We go and sit back down and wait for our interview.

We get called up around noon to window 8. He pretty much approved everyone if they had all their paperwork there, those that didn't he gave a blue slip too. I think there were only 2 or 3 fiance visa's in t... read complete review

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Review #4109 on March 22, 2009:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

The US Consulate in Kingston was most cooperative and accomodating. Although my wife is from Kazakhstan, we were married in Jamaica so the final medical exam and visa interview had to take place there. It was extremely expensive to fly my wife and children to Jamaica, especially not knowing if we would be granted the visas or not.

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Review #4069 on March 12, 2009:




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Review Topic: General Review

Things didn't go the way I expected it to. So, I reached the embassy about 6:45 am and our interview was scheduled for 7:00 am. I got to the shortest line at the front and waited for the lady in the yellow shirt to look at my documents(2 pictures, passport, appointment letter). Then she sent me to the door to pass through the security check-point. It's just like the airport. Then I passed the security point and went on to the courtyard where there was a line to have your documents be looked on again by a guy in the yellow shirt (He told me to sign the back of the passport. Then he sent me to the building. There was a line formed right inside the front area where I collected my number. I was told to enter through the door in front of me and go to the right where you wait to be called to the window for fingerprints and collection of medical report. Then I sat again for my number to be called for my interview.I waited about 30 minutes until I was finally called. The CO was a African-Ameri... read complete review

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