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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #4614 on June 21, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Review #4612 on June 19, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

(A little background) My fiance has been trying to get his No Imped for the past month and has been getting jerked around. We decide to go to the RGD in Kingston before the interview. I walk in and get # 73 when they were only on #15. Thankfully a nice wroker was able to go in the back and print out my fiance's No Imped. This still took about 45 minutes though. So we end up getting to the embassy about an hour late. I was so worried we'd be turned away. I go up to the lady in the yellow shirt and she says it's Ok and ask for our 156, 156k, 157, payment receipt, and the pictures. She asks for both of our I.D's. I explain I left my purse in the car, but I have a copy of my passport with my picture and name. She looks at that and then tells us to go wait in line. There were only about 4 people in front of us waiting to go through security, so we go through quickly and then go to the court yard. There are a lot of people all under the covered part. I tell my fiance to wait while I go ask s... read complete review

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Review #4605 on June 18, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I did not attend the K1 interview with my fiance' because of recent neck surgery. He stated that although he waited for a while the process was simple and very easy. The CO only asked a couple of questions, was very impressed with our organization of evidence and his love for me.

She was impressed with his knowledge of me, and asked if he studied for the interview. He told her that he didn't study, but if he didn't know me after almost 5 years of dating, he had no business getting married to me.

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Review #4595 on June 17, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband interview was on 6/12/09, I actually was in Jamaica at the time for his interview, to provide him support. I didn't want anything to go wrong just because I wasn't there. We drove from Mo'bay to Kingston for the 7am interview. We arrived about 6:30am and there was 2 lines already forming. The ladies in the yellow shirts told us which line to get into. They have people outside telling you, phones or cameras are not allowed in the Embassy. There are people that will give you a ticket to hold your items. We left our things in the car, so no worries for us. Now the starts to move first we go through the little building with the metal devices, then you are told to wait outside in the shaded garden area. Its about 6:45am and there are about 30 people waiting outside, most of them are standing in a line and few are sitting. The guard tells everybody you don't have to line up, so move further down. About 5 min pass and a man comes from around the corner and explains to make sure al... read complete review

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Review #4559 on June 10, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview Review
Got there 7:20 for my 7:30 appointment.

A lady at the front asked for my letter, passport and two pictures. She gave them back to me then sent me in the line to go inside.

Went through security check point then into the courtyard where about 50 peoples was waiting. I went straight to the door and joined the line to get the yellow slip to write my passport number on.

The man said go inside and sit on the right. All seats were taken so i stood to the side.

The man who gave me yellow came inside and said he had bad news and good news which one do we want first. We said the bad news. He said the numbers on the ticket will not go in order and the good news is we will leave before the people on the left side. Everyone cracked up.

I love crossword puzzle so while i was waiting i did two pages, tried to relax.

About 9:15 i was called to the window to do the finger print.
<... read complete review

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