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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #4909 on August 29, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband went to the interview alone and said it was a breeze. They only asked him basic questions such as where your wife lives and when were you married. I had all extra copies of everything I could think of together for him in a folder and pictures of us, but they never asked for them. The only things they asked for was his passport and medical packet. I am beginning to think that if you have all the paperwork in order, then there are no problems. My husband said everything was straight forward. We are both so excited about him coming home next week that I keep forgetting to ask him more about the interview.

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Review #4906 on August 27, 2009:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Going to the Embassy was very exciting and nerve wrecking for my husband and I. Please note if you are going for the K3 interview you MUST bring two copies of the DS156 (3 pages long TWO different bar codes) and you MUST have two copies of your 157. They wont let you in through security without it. Honestly we got there are 8:44am and it was such a smooth process after that. We received our ticket number. Proceeded to the cashier. Paid our $131 visa fee and waited our turn. Your number gets called twice and they do not go in order. They asked my husband and I very simple questions. How long weve been together. When did we meet. How may people were at our wedding and if we had any children together. That was that. The officer actually cut us off and said OK your visa has been approved! that I must admit was one of the best days of my life!!! anyways thanks to visa journey for everything. Kingston Embassy is not that bad. Just go prepared with all your paperwork and you will be fine

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Review #4861 on August 17, 2009:

JQ Smiley BOOM


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The interview was scheduled for 7:30am. We left Ocho Rios at about 5am. We got to Kingston at about 6:15am. My brother in law is a police in KingstoN so he knew the fast route. When we got to the embassy their are natives there trying to help out (for a fee) any way they can. They can take your passport pictures, hold your prohibited items, and even provide info of where you need to go. There were 2 lines. One for filings and the other for I130's. We got in the front door at about 6:45 and waited to go into the building. It took about 15mins. We were given a number but the numbers were not CALLED IN ORDER. They called hubby up tot the counter took his fingerprints and asked him who was filing for him. We needed to bring no info and they didnt ask him for anything but the medical and the passport. They asked him to sit and they would call him when ready. About 30 mins later and 7 people called before us they called him up. i went with him. the lady asked us to swear that all the info for truth that we have submitted and also what were going to say. we agreed. She asked when did we meet. Hubby was really nervous. He stated the exact date with year She laughed then as a surprise. She asked me to sit down. Then she asked him to pick up the phone and thats when the questions started.
1. How did you meet your wife? He told her about how he kicked my foot to start the conversation. She was really interested and wanted to know more.. I think for her own personal humor.
2. How many times has she been here to visit
3. Have you met her kids
4. How old are they
5. What do they like to do.

Number 3, 4, and 5- The Kingston Embassy knew none of those answers but they wanted to see if he was going to sweat when they asked him.

6. Where does she work

Then she said Congradulations your VISA has been APPROVED. Please go to the DHL window to set up your delivery options. Yipee

We were out by 9am and back to OCHI

Beware the visas dont come so quick.
He pick the option to get it from Montego Bay. Our interview was on the 4th of August and the holiday was the 6th of August. So it took some extra time. The visa was there for pick up on Wednesday August 12, 2009. We left Montego Bay on Friday the 14th. American Airlines.

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Review #4854 on August 13, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

She got in 15 mins early. She was called at 7:05 am.

They asked 2 questions:

1. What is your name
2. Who are you going to stay with in America.

Welcome to the U.S.A.

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Review #4799 on August 1, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Before going in Embassy

Do not arrive extremely early. Arrive on time (within 15 minutes of appointment)
Go directly to the front of the line and only talk to the Embassy employees in the Yellow Shirts.
Make sure you carry a pen with you
Make sure you have all pictures signed with the applicant’s name
The person with the Yellow shirt will check your passport; passport photos and interview letter (make sure these are the only items out at this time.)
Leave your cell phone/camera at home/hotel/car.

Entering Embassy

You will go through metal detector (small building)
Then a courtyard to the main building
In the main building you will welcomed by a receptionist that will take your Interview Letter and give you a yellow piece of paper for DHL Delivery and a number (similar to going to the DMV in the states). Put your Passport number/ Address and Phone number on the yellow paper.
The receptionist will lead you to the Interview Area.
There are two different doors one for Non- Immigrant Visas and one for Immigration (aka Filing). Both doors lead to the same room. However, Individuals filing for non-immigration visas are on the left, Section B and immigration visas, Section A, are on the right. Sections B is 3 times the size as Section A.

1st Process and 2nd Process (Interview)

At this point I can only speak of my experience (Immigrant Visa, Section A)

This section has 5 windows (teller style), Window 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Windows 5, 6, and 7 (1st process –Document Collection and Fingerprints)

Windows 8 and 9 (2nd Process- Interview)

We were serviced at window 7 first, the young lady had our file, she put everything in order, my husband gave his fingerprints and we sat back down. Make sure no one sits in your seats when you stand up for process 1, because you wont have a seat when you come back, which is literally 2-4 feet from the windows. It’s a small space.

We sat down for like 20 minutes and then we were called to Window 8, we had to swear in (right hand up), then she took my husbands index fingerprint, then he had to sign the second part of the DS-230.

After all the administration stuff was done, she asked both of us when we met through the window, my husband answered, she asked where we met, my husband answered, she asked how many people were at our wedding, my husband answered, she said your approved go to window 26 and pay DHL. I’m thinking to myself, that’s it. You don’t need to see pictures? No evidence? No separate interviews? Wow! They didn’t ask my step son any questions.


We paid DHL $750JA for both passports/visas. We didn’t have to pay two fees.

Interviews before ours:

There was one couple that was interviewed separately through the phones on the outside on the teller window. They were approved.

There was a girl that was married, her husband was not there, she pulled out several post cards, western union receipts and pictures and the agent was not buying it, she got a blue slip to come back, don’t know what for.

There was a family of 5 kids and a mother, they were all approved.

There was a guy without his wife, he was approved.

There was another guy whose mother sponsored him, he got a blue slip because his mothers name did not match his and he needed his mothers divorce certificate.

Additional Information

Note: You do not go into small little interview rooms, everything is done outside the teller window, like at the DMV. No privacy unless you pick up the phone. I suggest you pick up the phone right from the beginning (only in process 2.)

Note: The gentleman that greeted us came in while we were seated he made some funny jokes. He came over and said he had good news and bad news. Did we want the good news or bad news first? We said bad news, He said bad news is that the numbers are not going to go in order, so be aware. Good news, Section A will leave before Section B, everyone laughed. Then he gave us the run down, he said everyone is going to go to Windows 5, 6 or 7 first. If you get to Window and 8 or 9, Yah go a Foreign! Everyone laughed.

Embassy Rating

Overall, we rated the embassy and our experience a “5”. Everyone was nice, no issues. Very timely.

We got there at 6:55am, got in the embassy and in our seat by 7:15am, out the door at 8:30am.

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