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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #6123 on May 25, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Be prepared with all your paperwork and the interview will go well.
I found the staff to be professional. There was a long wait as we reached 90 minutes prior to our interview. Please have your last two years of tax returns, because they will ask. It will take at least 14 days to finalize the visa so please don't make plans within that time period. Overall I thought the experience went well.

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Review #6108 on May 20, 2010:

Zee's Boo

Zee's  Boo


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I slept over night in Kingston (well I barely slept because I was so nervous) so I could be closer to the embassy. I had a May 4 interview at 7:30 am. I got there at about 6:45 and joined the line for immigrants. I went inside where they check your bags and you have to walk under a detector. I went in a building where they give you a waiting number and a yellow sheet to write your passport number and address on in case you are approved you take it to DHL. Well I was so nervous I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I took out a book about Prophets and Kings in the Old testament (very inspirational). It was about God\\\'s mercy on us and no matter how disobedient we are, He always come through... It helped me calm down. The first time my number was called, I went up to a window where a lady instructed me to take my finger print and told me she didn\\\'t have my marriage certificate, which I found odd because the email I got from the NVC specifically state what was sent in the package to Jamaica. I had a copy so I gave it to her. The next time my number was called I went up to and African American male. He held up my police record and told me that it was expired (I was shocked. I told him I did one in November and he responded sternly saying that the one he has is from January 2009 and it is expired. He pulled out the dreaded \\\"BLUE SHEET!!!!\\\" Then he asked me questions such as:

(1) Where we met?

(2) How we met?

(3) When we got married?

(4) How long he stayed for the first time?

(5) When was the last time I saw him?

(6) How many persons were at the wedding? (two plus the pastor)

(7) why? (we had a private wedding with two witnesses)

(8) If I had pictures? (I made a cute scrap book )

(9) If my husband was there with me (no he has to work)

(10) If I had western union receipts?

I had everything from the arm bands we wore at the hotels we stayed at to cards my husband, father in-law and sister in-law sent me, to phone records since 2008!!! (trust me I was prepared ). He then told me that I should make an appointment and return with my police record and passport. I sorted the police record the same day and went to the NCB bank to pay for a pin number. I called in and got an appointment for the eighteenth at 1:30 pm. The second time around I was a bit nervous but more confident. I waited for about 5 minutes inside the building and got called to the counter where a lady took my passport, police record and blue sheet. She only asked for the blue sheet because it was inside the passport but she saw it before I could answer and that was it she stamped about three ticket looking paper and told me to go to window 26 and pay for my visa to be delivered. I said \\\"thank you\\\" and went to the counter. I paid $900 Ja. dollars and left. I was ecstatic, I couldn\\\'t wait to call my Sweetheart and give him the news. He was screaming and whooping over the phone. This was really a \\\"JOURNEY.\\\" My advice is to be confident, trust in God and as long as you are being honest everything will be ok!!

(updated on May 20, 2010)

(updated on May 20, 2010)

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Review #6090 on May 19, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our appointment was at Kingston embassy on May 7th for 9:30. Lucky we had my fiancee brother drive us there so he knew exactly where he was going. If you have cellphones, lotion, handsantizer they have eager local ready to hold your stuff for a fee. Ok there was a small line but the embassy came to us asked for the interviewee name. Then she ask who I was, I said his fiancee. she asked for his passport and the passport pics. she sticked them in the passport and said to right your name lightly in the back. We proceeded inside through security. then went through another set of doors to a shed. We saw a lot of people sitting outside and could not understand why, so we sat down. Then I said to my fancee I think we are doing something wrong duh!!! Well we was to follow the signs past the shed and enter thorugh heavy glass door and get our number. We got our number and enter nother room. our section was on our right for all A visa. We waited about a hour and half before our number was called mind they are not called in any order. we went to the window and the ladie asked for everything step for step as he received each document she checked of her checklist dsk156, ds156k and ds157 in duplicate, police record, impediment, i134 and supporting docs. last but not least sealed medical. we have everything YAY me!!! She them told proceed to window number 17 for fingerprints ok done. Then we went to sit down and wating for interrgoration. I told him dont be nervous. we was the last to be called she sweared us in and then told me to have a seat. He picked up the phone and asked him how and when we meet, If i have kids which i do have he every meet them, have he ever entered the US, what do I do for work, how many times have I been to JA, have i meet his family and who. Then he asked for pictures. Now I use shutterfly to print my pics and had a nice hard cover book made. so it could nt fit through the slot so she ask me to hold the book up and flip through the pics she smiles at the pics and said lovely book. The picture where not posed pics like me and his sisters getting ready to go dance me and him fooling around in the yard. ETC anyways in the endshe said APPROVED!!!! my advice be calm have everything and DONT fumble when they ask a question. One woman fumbled and the CO told her that her husband must come for a petitioner interview. JUST ALL BE CALM AND HAPPY ITWOULD BE A BLESSES DAY !!!!

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Review #6075 on May 16, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband had his interview on 05/10/2010. Prior to this date, I faxed him my 2009 tax return and W2. Because of all the reviews that I've read on this site, I knew that if he did not submit those documents, he would not be approved. Even though I was VERY clear about this when I explained it to him, for some strange reason, he did not give them the documents at the interview. He said he was nervous and they "didn't ask" for the documents. I love my husband dearly, but if we ever have to do something like this again, I'd have to do it myself to make sure it's done right :-).

Anyway, he was blue-slipped and advised that he would need a joint sponsor. I WAS FURIOUS because my income was more than double the amount needed for our household size.


I immediately got on the computer and located an email address where I could send a message to the consulate directly. I explained to them in the email that my husband was in possession of my tax documents and according to the guidelines, I met the requirement on my own. The next day, someone from the embassy contacted by husband by phone and asked him if he was still in possession of the documents. They told him to come in the next day so they can have the officer review the petition again with the tax form. He was in and out within an hour-this time with an approval. I received an email from the embassy confirming this the next day.

FYI for anyone who is going through this: Alot of times people in Jamaica are so afraid to speak up or ask questions because they already have it in their minds that they are not going to get through. Encourage your family members to speak up and if you feel that they cannot handle this, go to the interview with them.

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Review #6063 on May 13, 2010:

sarah and david

Sarah and david


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had our interview in Kingston Jamaica on May 10. It was a good thing we left early because traffic was crazy and the embassy was a bit difficult to find. We had to stop several times and ask directions. We were surprised when we arrived that there was NO line outside. We walked right up to a lady and gave her the documents she requested (DS156,156k,157,4 passport photos,his passport,the paid visa receipt). She looked over everything and stapled a picture to one of the forms. The other photos she put inside the passport. We then went inside the first building and went through the security check (just like at the airport). You cannot bring cellphones or cameras into the building so make sure to leave them at the hotel, or you can pay one of the many eager people outside to hold on to them for you. We then collected our belongings and made our way back outside to the second building. Here we went to the counter and gave the guy the passport and the papers. He then gave us a number (A-144). We then went to another room with two seating areas. Ours was the one on the right hand side. Our appointment time was 9:30, however, our number didn't get called until almost 10:30. We went up to the window and the lady asked for the documents (156,156k,157-both copies of each-the I-134,the police certificate,medical exam forms,certificate of non-impediment,my 2008 tax return statements and W-2,my job letter,and the receipt of the paid visa fee).She asked our ages and if we had been married before. Then she told us to sit back down and he would be called to be fingerprinted. About 5 minutes passed and he went down to another window for fingerprints. He then came back to where I was sitting and we waited at least another 30-45 minutes before our number was called again. We went up to yet another window and the lady was really nice. She had us raise our right hands and swear to tell the truth, she asked for his passport, and she told me to have a seat and for him to pick up the phone. She asked him questions like: when did we meet, where did we meet, when did we start dating, how often do we talk, what is my occupation, how often do I visit, have I met his family, has he met my family, how often do I send him money. She then asked for my passport and counted the stamps. She also looked at a few of our pictures. She then asked him if he had ever traveled to the US before, if he had ever lived in another country before, if he had ever been arrested before. Then she said "Your visa is approved"! We went to window 26 to arrange for the DHL delivery.

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