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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
Chennai, India
Review #426 on February 18, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Very polite and friendly people at the consulate.

Very good experience.

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Review #353 on January 11, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Went for a K1 Interview with my Fiance. They were good on the whole. Just were concerned why we did not get married in India instead of bringing her to US and then getting married.

They questions both of us on that separately to make sure our answers were the same. They were very thorough but gave us the K-1. It came via DHL 5 days after the interview but they tell you right then that you get the visa. So it was good experience overall.

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Chennai, India
Review #333 on December 28, 2005:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiance arrived at 8:00 am for his scheduled interview and it began soon after that. The first lady to interview him was a real witch. She tried every way in the book to make him admit we were a fraud. Giving insulting remarks and insisting that what he felt was "attraction" (Im divorced, older, and with three sons). My Fiance kept his cool and answered her questions honestly and finally he was moved on to two more interviewers. One man who was Indian and one American. During the early morning hours I received a call from the Indian gent, and was questioned for nearly 30mins. He was very polite and very professional. My Fiances interview was over at 6 pm !!! Yes guys!! all day he was kept there,, no lunch only some cookies and coffee. After all that they asked for a few more documents from me (copy of marriage liscense to show my name change and copies of tax returns , which i had sent with fiance but witch kept). ..... All in all my fiance said things went very well, minus Miss Witch.. I know they have to ask certain questions, but I also work a job that deals with the public, and sometimes I have to say things that the customer does not want to hear, but there is a tactful way of saying or asking anything. And the fact that these people are allowed to comment so rudely on things based on their personal belief is just utterly unbelievable.

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Chennai, India
Review #318 on December 21, 2005:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

My wife's appointment was at 9:00AM, but, was complete with the process at about 1:30PM. Overall it was fine and her visa was approved. She had all of her paperwork in place [PCC, BC, marriage history etc]. The gentlemen who interviewed her spoke in Tamil and asked to see my tax filings for 2004. She had my 2001, 2002 & 2003 filings. I had not filed my 2004 as yet, but had enclosed a letter stating that we will file it as soon as she is in the USA and obtains her SS# [seeing that we will get a refund filing jointly]. Apparently this spooked him a bit and had delayed her process by a few hours. He also asked her about my previous marriage, and her awareness of the same in great detail.

She had completed filling out her visa forms on the 19th, and hence dated the application the same. According to him it should be dated as on the interview date.

After this, she was asked to wait another few hours, to meet with an American. He reviewed the papers and found everything to be fine and asked her to pay the visa fees. So, that was it.

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Chennai, India
Review #273 on November 30, 2005:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Wait was 1/2 day. The interview was 5 hours late, but lasted only a few minutes. They took my passport and returned it in a few days by mail. Overall pretty nice.

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