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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
939 Review(s)
New Delhi, India
Review #923 on October 12, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

He passed his interview with flying colors just this stupid blonde(me) did not know I had to fill out an affidative too humph so now I have to get this done so then he can submit to the VFS office! All went easy though the guy only ask a few questions and then said and where is your fiancee affidative beats my head! Humph anyways so all is good!
Jatin took his Interview in English and the Guy who was interviewing him was so shocked on how we met and how long I stayed with him in India! Will tell you more when I hear more about! We did not even need photos or emails humph! Well God Bless you all!

Here is the questions:P
What work she do,why u going to usa,how you met, is christian chat is dating site,when she came to india, where she lived, where she stay while she was in INDIA!

I am so proud of him! Everything went so smoothly because we submitted the papers to the VFS office all he had to do was go to payment window and to the interview wi... read complete review

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New Delhi, India
Review #903 on October 4, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

GOt there at 8:00 AM. All the papers from the VFS office were already at the embassy. Was called for the interview at 9:00 AM (was the first one in the grouple of people sitting). I was asked if I wanted the interview in English or Hindi (there was an African American guy whose Hindi would put many native Hindi speakers to shame :-). After going through all the paperwork, he asked:

1. Where are you going?
2. Why are you going to the US?
3. How did you meet your hubby?
4. Can I see some pictures of the wedding?
5. Where does he work? What does he do?
6. How many people in your new family?

And that's it. Very smooth and very painless. I was out of the embassy at 9:30 AM (1.5 hours duration).

They got the passport/Visa to the VFS office in 3 days.

Piece of Cake -- no worries.

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Chennai, India
Review #868 on September 23, 2006:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi Everybody,
Did any of you (Immigrant Visa applicants with a previous stay in USA on H1B visa) had gone through finger print's in US Consulate in Chennai India, If "YES" how long will they usually take in finishing the finger print process and issue visa...


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New Delhi, India
Review #857 on September 20, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Quick 5 minute interview...

Questions included:

1. Husband's name, occupation, place of employment, family information, place of residence
2. Your family information
3. A lot of questions around dates (marriage, divorce, kid's b'days, anniversaries, last met etc.)
4. (In our case) Reason for divorce for both parties
5. What do you do right now, where do you stay? Not with in-laws? Why not?

They did NOT require DS-230 part II to be signed. She did have her fingerprints taken though...

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New Delhi, India
Review #786 on August 23, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview time was at 8am on 8/23/2006. My fiance got there around 7:30am, and doors were still not open. So, around 7:50 am They let them in... around 9:30 am his name was called in.. and he had to submit the documents there like, job letter, 2005 tax returns, W2 of the current year... I have to say this AHHHH the lady was such a stupid.. she didn't know the difference between a bank statement and a JOB letter.. she kept on telling him that Its a Bank Statement, til he told her that She works for the BANK duhhhhh !!!!!! Anyways... after that He was called for questioning (don't know the exact time as he didn't tell me)

Following questions were asked:
How did we meet?
When did we meet?
Who are all in my family?
Why did we wait for 2 years?
Why did we not get married in those 2 years?
Where does she (I) work??

And then He was asked for the evidences, for those, he showed them our pictures, passport pages, Ph... read complete review

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